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Monday, December 12, 2011

My Secret to Coping with Stress

As you know, this time of year can be stressing and I personally have had an extra stress load this year. Not to mention my sources of stress are drawn from several areas. Either way, I mange with prayer, a healthy diet, exercise, a supporting circle of friends, family and… my Bach Rescue Remedy. Bach Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic supplement that I have used on occasion for years. It’s a natural stress relief that works almost instantly. You can buy it in spray form or tincture. I prefer spray because I can carry it in my purse and use it when I need it. Bach Rescue Remedy consist of the Bach Flower Essences; Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. Each flower has its own function. For instance, the Rock Rose brings courage in times when one is faced with fear or terror. This is common around the time of family reunions or family get togethers lol;-). Clematis, works by allowing you to focus more on the present rather than the future, which is uncertain. Cherry Blossom brings clarity and rationalization to your thinking. It also brings a sense of calm and balance when you feel that your loosing control. Lastly, Star of Bethlehem encourages a calm and lessens the impact of grief, fright or shock. Bach Rescue Remedy can be purchased at Clark's Nutritional Centers ( or your local health food store

No one supplement can solve a problem but for some people it may help. Eating a balanced diet along with exercise and some quiet time can provide the essentials to maintain better health. We also have to keep in mind that we can’t change everything and taking on additional stress will do more harm than good. So my thoughts to you are to focus on the things you can change and let the rest go. Have a very Merry Christmas and be good to your body and it will be good to you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

You can eat the holiday goodies, less the extra pounds

It’s that time of year again when we spend too much and eat too much. Spending less and eating less can address both problems…right? Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Especially when my eight year old puts a Smart car at the top of his Christmas list. I have explained to him that by law he needs to be 16 years old and have a driver’s licenses before he can drive. But he’s still convinced that the Smart car is just the right size for him to drive. I would not be surprised if he already knew how to drive since he has not missed a NASCAR or Indy car race. Not to mention he has mastered Mario Kart game. In his eyes, I guess that qualifies him to drive. My words of wisdom to him were, “well son, start saving now and by 16 you should have enough money to buy that Smart car yourself.”

Weight loss kinda follows a similar concept, keep working out and reducing calories and overtime the weight will come off. But the problem is, it’s so darn easy to overindulge than it is to go through the motions of exercising and eating less. I can vouch for this because I too have failed victim to food indulgences and the work to get off the extra is just that…work. But how can one resist such sweet temptations, especially at this time of year. Should you avoid all the goodies, eat in moderation or overindulge and pay the price later? Well let’s look at all three scenarios, should you avoid the sinfully tasty goodies? You could but making it completely off limits is like telling yourself that you can never eat these foods and after a while you will eventually give in and your likely to over do it. Moderation, that sounds like a good idea. Allow yourself a certain amount of goodies but be careful not to over do it. One of my personal favorite ways to accommodate my preferably “naughty but goody” foods is to workout a little more. For instance, I'll workout an extra 30 minutes on top of my regular exercise time and reduce my calories prior to the event I plan on attending and eating at. The other option is to overindulge and from my experience, I have been there, done that and don’t like it. For one thing it may be very satisfying while your eating. And yes it’s a symphony of palatable pleasure in your mouth and comforting during the whole eating experience. However, it’s the aftermath that stinks. You don’t feel good when the food is gone but the reality is, it hasn't really left you, you just don’t see it in the form of food. It transforms to a layer of fat on your butt, hips, thighs, you fill in the blank. The extra calories that you consumed has now turned into a pound or more of fat and you'll have to work to get it off. Having an extra pound of fat is going to require you to burn 3500 calories to rid yourself of the evil. And that can take a week or more for some people. So my advice to you is to stay within a healthy caloric range and if you plan on taking part in the goodies. Consider doing a little more exercise on top of your regular routine and reduce your calorie intake prior to the food event. This will allow you to accommodate the holiday treats.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ways To Help Improve Acne

Acne affects roughly 17 million plus Americans but the majority are adolescents. Unfortunately for some, it may or may not continue into middle age with women being the ones who experience it the most. The onset of acne occurs when the sebaceous glands are triggered by sex hormones. This results in the skin having an increased production of oil that can cause the ducts to become plugged. The plug duct begins to accumulate bacteria that cause the skin to become inflamed, thus producing the…dreaded zit. What’s interesting is how food can affect hormone production. Androgens and hormonal mediators can be triggered by foods and may cause the increase of sebum in the gland. Possible foods that may be culprits are dairy, high glycimic foods and increased fat intake. The speculation of dairy being the cause is due to the possible link of milk containing hormones and bioactive molecules. The other theory is hyperinsulinemia (an increased amount of insulin in the blood) triggers a sequence of events in the endocrine that affect the sebaceous glands. A 12-week study that was done on young men showed a decrease in acne for those who were on a low glycemic diet. Also they had experienced a weigh loss and an improved sensitivity to insulin. The study also showed changes in the surface of the skin related to the fatty acid composition of skin surface trigylcerides; that can affect the production of sebum. Foods that are considered high glycemic are, white bread, potatoes and other sugary foods that can cause a surge in insulin. Foods that are low glycemic are, sweet potatoes, beans and other high fiber foods that result in a gradual increase in insulin.

Natural methods that can be used to better control acne are, eating a nutritious diet, exercise regularly to help control weight, alpha hydroxy acids, tea tree oil and zinc supplementation. Tea tree oil can be found in health food stores and is applied topically to help clear the skin of bacteria. Tea tree oil is not for everyone. Those who may have a condition called rosacea, should not use it as it can make their condition worse. Alpha hydroxy acids are applied topically as well and can help rid the skin of dead skin cells that can clog pores. It can also help in the healing process of acnes scars. Zinc supplementing can be done orally or applied topically. Zinc works by aiding in the wound healing process, helping to reduce inflammation. Zinc supplements should be taken with food as it can cause nausea.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Soldier’s Honor

This weeks blog is a tribute to my family, friends and all the men and women soldiers who have fought for our country. The poem I wrote below is titled, A Soldier’s Honor.

You fought your wars and gave your all to someone you’ve never known. Your metal of honor is your heart of courage and your faith in mankind and freedom is your drive and willingness to die. To trade your life for your sons and daughters, not mentioning mine. A purple heart represents your loyalty and your pledge to the flag. You honor this country with your willingness to fight and our freedom came with a heavy price. You blink once before battle and twice to shun your fears and still you walk with a brave heart of honor as you step foot into the battlefield. Sometimes thinking once about your family and twice about your life and often struggling with the thoughts of “will I ever come back?” But your heart of courage and soul made of brave crosses that battlefield knowing the price and yet you sign it with your life. My pledge to you dear solider is, I will honor my country and the freedoms you’ve paved, because of this, I will honor you and the life you gave.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Plyometric Training

From athletes to people who just workout to stay fit, plyometrics adds variety and a challenge to your workouts. Adding plyometrics will allow you to challenge your body, reach a higher level of fitness and get continued results. In the past few years I have become quite a fan of plyometric training and it's a part of my workout regimen. It provides a good challenging workout and it kicks your butt in a short amount of time, resulting in an optimal calorie burn. Plyometrics date back to the 60’s and has strong roots in European countries where it was know as “jump training.” Plyometrics uses a stretch-shortening cycle that allows the muscles to use stored energy during the negative loading (eccentric) of a particular movement. In addition, it allows for quick utilization of energy during the positive (concentric) phase of an exercise. For example, when the muscles are under load such as squatting down and jumping up, it’s during this amortization phase when the main muscles are absorbing energy. In fact, 32% of the energy is used during the positive part of the movement. However, if the amortization phase last for an extended amount of time, the energy that’s being absorbed can be lost. What research does show is when the negative loading is done at a rapid speed(shorter amortization phase) the results are stronger positive muscle contractions.

If your wanting to try plyometrics I recommend working with a personal trainer to insure the movements are done correctly. And like any exercise program, the proper precautions should be taken such as wearing shoes that offer good support, warm up 10-15 minutes prior to workout and don't perform exercises when you start to feel fatigue and good form is compromised. Plyometric drills combined with weight training is a great way to increase explosive power.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Glucomannan Can Help with Weightloss

Lately, several of my clients have been asking me about products or herbs to assist in weight loss. Usually my answer is, "in order to loose weight you need to establish healthy eating habits along with exercise." It’s simple mathematics, you need to subtract 500 kcal a day in order to loose weight. This can be done two ways, burn an extra 500 kcal a day through exercise and or reduce your kcal by 500 a day. Doing both will help you loose 2 pounds a week. The total amount of kcal you need to burn in order to loose a pound is 3500 kcal a week. That still is my answer and I’m sticking to it however, there has been a study that was done on the herb glucomannan. The study showed a good amount of weight loss in the individuals who participated. Here is a briefing on glucomannan. Glucomannan is a polysaccharide, which is a form of carbohydrates. Glucomannan is a fiber that is water-soluble which means it absorbs water. Glucomannan has been used as a thickener or emulsifier. But when used in weight loss, it causes a reduction in appetite, meaning you fill fuller, thus eat less.

The study that was done showed some benefits regarding weight loss in obese patients. The double blind study was done over an 8-week period with 20 obese patients. In the study, the subjects were given 2, 500mg capsules with 8 fluid ounces of water prior to each three meals. The patients were asked not to change their diets or exercise patterns. The results was a loss in weight of 5.5 lbs. The study also concluded a drop in cholesterol levels.

In my opinion, it would not hurt to add this to a healthy eating plan, along with exercise. Glucomannan is a safer alternative compared to some of the fad supplements that seem to be popular these days and it cost less. I would caution that it is a soluble fiber and drinking adequate fluids is vital. You should be drinking an 8 oz glass of water with each dose. If you would like to read more about the study, you can visit, d/6096282

Aging Gracefully Part II

You don't need fancy equipment to start an exercise program. In fact, you can start by doing calisthenics, which is body weight exercises. For example, push-ups can help build your chest, shoulders, triceps, back and abdominal muscles. Also, add squats. This is a great exercise that will help strengthen and tone your legs. You can start by placing your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing straight ahead or angled slightly outward. Place your hands on your hips and slowly bend your knees and lower your hips towards the floor, keeping your abs tight and torso straight. Be sure to keep your knees behind your toes and don’t bend pass 90 degrees (doing so can cause added stress to your knees). In addition, you can add some core training by doing planks. This is a personal favorite but most hated by my clients. Planks are an isometric exercise, which means it’s held in a static position. Isometric exercises are great because they don’t create friction on joints like isotonic movements. Planks are done by lying face down on the floor with forearms and hands resting on the floor next to your chest. Next, push your body off the floor in a pushup position (using your hands, forearms and toes) while keeping your abs tight, your body straight and parallel to the floor. Lastly, hold the position for several seconds (be sure to breath) and return to starting position. If you’re new to exercise, consider using a personal trainer to help assist with proper lifting techniques and forms. This will help reduce your risk of injury. Strength training is a great way to increase lean muscle mass that will in turn burn more fat, elevate your mood and increase your energy level.

Breathe! That’s something we all have to do but don’t do it properly when we’re under stress. When you’re up against a deadline or in a stressful situation your blood pressure increases and an unhealthy stress hormone called cortisol and overtime, this can harm your immune system and contribute to chronic stress. You can control this by allowing yourself 5-10 minutes of deep breathing and mentally verbalizing a proverb or reflecting on a positive image.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Aging Gracefully Part I

Aging gracefully, is something we would all like to do. In fact, how does fifty and fabulous sound or sixty and sensational or 70 and simply stunning! Is it really possible to tap into a fountain of youth that can help you age gracefully and improve your quality of life? As a personal trainer who has worked in the industry for many years, I’ve worked with people from the ages of 14 to 75, all of who have struggled with some personal obstacle ranging from poor health, wanting to improve body image or just in need of nutritional guidance. These are all issues that all of us may have faced or thought about at one point or another. The good news is… it’s possible to be healthier, look better and have a better quality of life (at any age). These are all the characteristics of aging gracefully but the bad news is, it will take work and commitment on your part. As you know, nothing in life is free but good things come to those who are dedicated, disciplined and determined. In fact, that is my philosophy when it comes to running my business and training my clients.

In order for my business to be successful, it’s important for me to lead by setting an example. So when clients ask me, “how do you have the time to exercise and eat right?” I simply say, “My health is my priority and a commitment to myself.”We all have commitments and obligations so why not make your health a priority on your list. Most people are running around doing everything on their “to do list,” but they are missing their most important obligation…themselves. You may be thinking that your doing ok because your getting things done and you feel fine for the time being but ultimately your health will pay the price at some point. And that 9-5 job that you were committed to, will simply go to the next “Joe Smith,” while your left struggling with your poor health. When you make your health a priority, not only do you reap the obvious benefits of an improved physical appearance and good health but you will also be able to perform at your best. One of the most important aspects of getting your health on track is that you will have added good healthy years to your life. Now your probably wondering where to begin? Here are just a few simple things you can do to tap into your fountain of youth and age gracefully.

·Start by getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. This will play a major role in your energy level, mood and eating habits. When your not well rested your energy level is wasted and your eating habits are more likely to gravitate towards poor carbohydrate sources to compensate for energy loss, such as pastries, energy drinks etc…That might provide a quick fix but it’s short lived and will create unstable blood sugar levels, resulting in mood swings.

·If your skipping breakfast or making poor eating choices, your setting yourself up for disaster and a Monster drink is not going to help you when you’re the Monster! A simple guideline to follow when planing meals is, 15-20% protein (lean), 55-60% carbohydrates, 20-30% of fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated) and your diet should be high in fiber (20-30 grams a day). Stick to food sources made by God through nature. The more natural and less processed, the better.

·Five plus servings a day of fruits and veggies will keep your machine running in top shape and strengthen your immune system. Cruciferous vegetables (brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, broccoli, turnips) are one of my favorites. In fact, they have a high amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help to fight against cancer and toxins. An added benefit to eating several servings of fruits and veggies is you may not need to take a multivitamin because you’ll be supplying your body with all the necessary nutrients from natural sources that your body recognizes.

·Use it now or loose it later! In other words, start exercising. This can be done in as little as 20 minutes or more a day. Start out with a brisk walk and work your way up to a jog or run. Also add strength training to your exercise repertoire at least 2 days a week.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Healthy Tips

· Women should get around 1000-1200mg of calcium a day. A good calcium formula should contain calcium citrate, magnesium, and vitamin D to help aid and insure absorption.

· Don’t be afraid to eat fat. 20-35% of your diet should contain UNsaturated fats such as; nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and grape seed oil. These are the fats that aid in muscle repair and increase HDL, which helps to lower your risk of heart disease.

· Start moving! As little as 20-30 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity can lower your risk of some diseases. If you’re really physically unfit break your exercise session into 2-3 10-minute sessions to achieve health benefits. Exercise does not have to be a chore, so make it something you enjoy.

· Eat a balanced diet of 5 or more servings of fruits and veggies a day. For example, 2 ½ cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit. Eating small frequent meals throughout the day may work by helping you to make better food choices verses going a long period of time without eating may result in poorer food choices. Also eating 25-35 grams of fiber a day, will help reduce risk of some diseases and help you stay full longer.

· Reduce your salt intake. Food & Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine recommends a sodium intake less than 2400mg a day & under 1500mg for people with hypertension.

· If you plan on exercising, be sure to eat a small meal an hour or so prior. Choose a snack that is high in carbs, low in fat, protein & fiber to minimize stomach upset (gastric emptying). This will help provide you with energy for a good workout.

· Post-exercise: Eat a small meal high in carbohydrates and protein! The carbohydrate will help restore muscle glycogen and the protein will aid in muscle repair. For example, a serving of fruit & a glass of skim milk.Protein also require more energy for your body to breakdown. In other words, you use more calories in the process.

· Lastly, when your feeling stressed, find a place that is quiet or where you can just close your eyes for a few minutes & do 5-10 minutes of deep breathing. This will help lower your blood pressure by several points and it will bring the calm you need to finish out your day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stages of Change

Have you ever heard of the “Stages of Change?” The stages of change refer to a behavioral process that develops over time. There are 6 stages of change that is involved when undecided or deciding to make a change for the better. For example, whether or not to start an exercise program, stopping alcohol abuse, gambling…, you fill in the blank. Prochaska’s Stages of Change consist of a precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination stage. Each stage coincides with the next step but certain actions have to take place in order to make a successful transition to the next level of change. Below is a brief explanation of each stage and the appropriate actions to be taken:

· Precontemplation stage: At this stage a person might have thoughts of making a change but finds it difficult to making it happen. At this stage it might be a good idea to list the reasons why making a change would be good or not (pros & cons).

· Contemplation stage: At this stage the individual may feel the need to change but have little knowledge as to how to do it. But they plan on taking action in the next 6 months or so. At this stage it might be a good idea to take small steps towards change by tackling smaller task. For example, if your goal is to eventually stop smoking, start by talking to people who have stopped smoking. Ask what they did to kick the habit or look into support groups to help provide you with some direction.

· Preparation stage: At this stage, change begins. For instance, if you’re a smoker, you begin to take steps to stop smoking. In fact, you may even set a date where you will quit smoking all together. Also at this stage you may backslide and that’s ok. What’s important is to have a plan in place to get you back on track. For example, you may want to go back to the precontemplation stage where you listed the pros and cons. And that will serve as a reminder of why you decided to make a change.

· Action stage: Change has taken place and is sustained for 6 months or so.

· Termination stage: This is the final stage in which your change has been in the works and good habits are established & change is pretty much complete.

What’s important to remember during these stages of change is everybody has good and bad days. And there will be days when you need to pick yourself back up and keep going despite your falls. Always have a plan of action in place for the bad days such as friends, family or a support group. Set reminders in view as to why you decided to make a change. Having short and long term goals are important even when you reach the termination stage. It’s good to set goals that bring new challenges. Each goal that is achieved, will make you stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. And it’s that strength that will get you through future challenges and set the stage for new aspirations.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What to look for in a personal trainer.

I want to take the time and address what to look for if you plan on using a personal trainer. This past year I have had four clients who have had personal trainers that either injured them in the workout, did not return calls, lacked expertise or did not do a good job assessing the client prior to any workout program. I will try not to be biased but I will do my best to give a general idea as to what you should look for in a certified professional trainer. And I do stress professional. First of all, the trainer should be educated in his or her line of expertise. In other words, if you have an injury that you have recovered from through physical therapy; your trainer should be knowledgeable and professional enough to work with your PT. And implement any exercises that are recommended by your PT into your workout, if needed. Also if you’re a part of the older population and suffer from conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis or another health condition, you should be working with someone who is familiar with special populations. Don’t be afraid to ask the trainer if he or she is experienced, CPR certified, types of trainer certifications (make sure they are reputable), educational background or ask to talk to the trainer’s current or previous clients. Also at your first training session your trainer should be assessing your current fitness level. This will help to customize your program to meet your needs. Also it can be used later as a comparison to your previous readings to make sure your progressing. Flexibility should be tested, current health and medical history should be noted, cardiovascular endurance, anthropometric assessment (body weight, lengths circumference etc…). You and your trainer should be working together to set realistic goals and he or she should be providing you with nutritional guidance.

Accountability is essential and your progress should be tracked on a regular bases to make sure long and short-term goals are being reached. Also, your trainer is your paid guide to better health and they should be giving you 100%, anything less is unacceptable. He or she should be a good listener as well as understanding to what your needs are. You should not be intimidated by your trainer to not speak up about your program. For example, if a certain exercise is not working for you, tell the trainer why it should be adjusted, perhaps they may need to educate you or vice versa. And lastly, there is a fine line in the words, “no pain no gain.” You should not be feeling sharp, shooting, or pulling pains in your workout. These symptoms are abnormal and it's your body telling you to stop before further damage is done.

I have been in the health & fitness industry for over 14 years and I will not hesitate to provide my clients with my credentials as well as references if needed. My job is to help you reach your health goals and with that, we're both satisfied.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Running may be good for your knees

Running may not be so bad on your joints after all! New findings in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise says, physical activity, including running can help strengthen joints. In fact, this is the same type of exercise that is considered weight bearing (running and weight training) which will maintain and build bone density. Nicholas DiNubile, MD (orthopedic surgeon) says people have the idea that their knees have a set amount of miles like car tires and after that, that's it. If anything they will adapt to the stress of physical activity and this will result in stronger joints, muscles and synovial fluid which nourishes cartilage. However, not everyone has the genetics to run. Some people may be genetically more susceptible to joint damage compared to others. If your having difficulties with joint pain you may be running too many miles or you might not have the proper running shoes. Also consider stretching regularly and doing exercises to strengthen your core, hips and legs. This will allow your muscles to better stabilize your body when running. Lastly, be sure your getting sufficient calcium to help strengthen and maintain bone health and always listen to your body. If your knees ache allow yourself time to rest or try running on a surface that has less impact on your joints such as grass or treadmill. I personally am a runner at heart and had my share of knee pain from classic runners knee (tendonitis) to iliotibial band syndrome. But with the right shoes, switching up the terrain and scaling back my miles, I always manage to get back to a running start.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Women's Sexual Well-being

This week’s blog is about women helping to redefine societies definition of beauty and it’s about being comfortable with our sexual well-being. To do this, we have to know our bodies. This blog is strictly for educational purposes. Although this topic is about women's sexual well-being, men are free to read on. Keep in mind there is sensitive subject matter being covered. I have been wanting to blog about this topic for the past year but I knew I really had to do my research and I wanted it to be done tastefully. In addition, I decided to take a women’s personal health class over this Summer and it has been quite enlightening. But I can also say I may not agree with everything I was taught, still I had an open mind and felt I learned a lot.

There is so much to cover on this subject so I may do a series but I'm undecided at this time. For those of you who are uncomfortable with this subject you don’t have to read this but I do hope you keep an open mind and not be ashamed of your body.

In our society today women face many challenges but one of the biggest challenges is our appearance and sexuality. In fact, there is such a double standard for women and how we are supposed to look that we have become uncomfortable with our bodies and sexuality. This is based on what society tells us. What is important is that we set aside, “societies norms” and really look at ourselves for the beautiful person we are. Beauty in my opinion is not defined by skinny, blonde, tall, long legs nor how sexy we can dress to prove that we are beautiful. Beauty is how you view yourself and it comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. I would also say that one of the most attractive features we women can have is to feel good about ourselves regardless of our body type, the color of our skin or what we wear. Granted cute clothes are icing on the cake but the real cake is how you feel about yourself. And how you view yourself will determine how others view you.

I really want to stress that being sexy is defined more than one way. It’s how you feel about yourself and not society telling you that you have to look like a model on a magazine cover. It also means being comfortable with our sexuality and knowing what pleases you. In fact, you should know your body well enough to not be afraid to express to your spouse what turns you on. If your not sure then you need to spend time finding that out.

Women unlike men may require more to become sexually aroused and something’s may make this a little more challenging but not impossible. For example, women who are menopausal or have difficulties with lubrication during intercourse, may want to buy an over the counter lubricant such as, Ky-jelly which is a water based lubricant. Another product to try is Zestra. Zestra is a non-prescription herbal-based oil that can provide lubrication by helping to increase blood flow to the vaginal area increasing arousal (Alexander, Berger 2005 p. 202).

If foreplay is not a part of your romantic routine with your spouse, it should be. Foreplay allows both you and your spouse to be connected and discover new techniques. Women can be stimulated in different ways and that's up to the woman to express that to her spouse. For instance, you may or may not have heard of the “G-Spot?” This spot is medically termed as the urethra sponge and it’s the erectile tissue that is surrounding the urethra. This area is located in the same surrounding area as the clitoris. The clitoris is another area where women can be sexually aroused. The urethra sponge (G-spot) is also described as the female prostate (Alexander, Berger 2005 p. 196). The urethral sponge is made up of blood vessels and glands and it can produce a fluid that is similar to what is produced by a male’s prostate. This spot can be found 2-3 inches inside the vagina toward the pubic mound. Being that it is above the front wall of the vagina, you or your spouse can find it by curving your fingers into a “come here” position. This area can be explored by massaging or pressing the area. By doing so it may feel like you have to urinate but then it may produce a pleasurable sensation, which may cause ejaculation (Alexander, Berger 2005 p. 197). Not all women experience this and it may take time or it may not work for you. Just think of it as another area for you and your spouse to explore to help increase your sexual pleasure.

In closing, what is important as a woman is to feel good about yourself, know your body and realize that your are beautiful. Beauty should be defined by you and not by a magazine cover nor what you see on the television. We can be our worse critiques but we can also be our loudest cheering section. Our bodies are beautiful no matter what size dress you wear or the color of your skin. I hope you take the steps to help women all around the world, redefine beauty as loving ourselves for who we are on the inside and outside and kick societies definition of beauty to the curb;-).

Alexander Bell Ruth, Berger Pamela, et al. Boston Women’s Health Collective: Our Bodies our Selves. New York, NY: 2005. Touchstone

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Can caffeine increase the use of fat for fuel in the muscles?

Prior to athletic events that require long term energy some(not all)cyclist and endurance athletes will consume caffeine to help with fat burning for fuel. This practice may not be safe but is done to increase the use of fat used for fuel in the muscles. In order for this to occur, it will depend on the amount of fatty acids released from adipose stores into the blood supply. Athletes will attempt to increase the release of fatty acids into the blood by consuming caffeinated beverages. This practice does work successfully by increasing fatty acid release from adipose depots thus allowing the athlete to more efficiently use fat for energy in the muscles. Keep in mind that when competing this practice is considered illegal under the National Colligate Athletic Association if the amount of caffeine in the blood exceeds the equivalent of 6-8 cups (8oz.per cup) of coffee. Other risk that are involved with this type of practice are high amounts of caffeine can affect the heart negatively by increasing blood pressure, heart arrhythmia and cause blood glucose levels to drop. People who are sensitive to caffeine should avoid this practice.

In my opinion, I don’t recommend this. In fact, good old fashion hard work will not only suffice but also give you a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What are you afraid of ??

I just returned from being on vacation so I thought I would use this week’s blog to highlight some interesting parts of my trip and it’s not what you may think. In fact, I thought I would talk about fears. We all have fears whether it’s the fear of the unknown, being in small dark places, getting lost, you fill in the blanks…During my trip, I managed to face a few of my personal fears and the good news is, I actually survived it;-). My plan was not to become a dare devil while on vacation nor was I remotely thinking about overcoming any of my fears. In fact, it just happened. On several instances I faced my fear of heights, wild animals and the fear of the unknown all in 2 weeks. When it comes to heights, I’ve always had this mental image of standing on the edge and falling off. But so far that has never happened. But the thought makes me go into a minor panic attack. I have learned that one of the ways to face your fears is to confront it. This is known as “flooding,” in psychological terms. One morning my family and I decided to go on a “easy” hike up to Rancheria Falls in the Sierra’s. The hike would have been fine if it were not for the snow that covered most of the trail making it difficult to find. The snow was so bad in some areas, that the trail became less of a hike and more like climbing through snow on the edge of a cliff. This quickly brought my mental image of standing on the edge and falling off into play, except this was not a mental image but reality. Thinking back, if I had known this, I may not have had the courage to go on the hike. In the end, the reward was great and the 150 ft falls was beautiful and I was proud of myself. Strangely enough, part of me enjoyed the intertwined emotions of being fearful (adrenaline) and euphoric from the grueling hike but yet accomplished.

The next day my family and I planned another hike around lake Florence. While driving through Kaiser Pass, I was blown away by the beautiful granite rock. So I decided then and there that I wanted to stop the car and start climbing, so I did. My spur of the moment adventurous endeavor sent me scaling 75 ft up a roughly 100 ft climb. I was doing great up until I decided to look down, that’s when my fear of heights froze me in place. And to be honest, I thought to myself, “what the hell was I thinking, there’s no way I can get down.” My son and husband looked up at me and said, “Are you coming down?” My response was, “I can’t…I can’t move!” I felt my heart beat 100 miles a minute and I felt like I could not get any air into my lungs fast enough. After several minutes, I regained my composure and took several deep breaths and thought to myself, “if I’m going to die, at least I’m doing something I enjoy.” After I entertained that thought, it was like I faced the worse thing that could happen. As strange as that may sound, it was a sense of relief for me and I was able to be more level headed and I worked my way down the rock. When I made it to the bottom, I found myself again somewhat enjoying those emotions of fear, euphoria and the sense of accomplishment when I was done.

After a few days we planned another hike but this time it was Kings Canyon. Again I had no plans of facing any fears but half way into our hike we encounter part of the trail being a foot under water, which does not seem so bad. But my problem was how long does this go on and how cold is the water? Without too much more thought, I took my shoes off and keep going. After a few seconds that water became excruciatingly painful, I almost turned around but my drive to see Roaring Falls and thinking to myself that the water was warm and not cold, kept me focused. And in the end, the fear of the unknown did not result in anything bad happening, it was just a fear that I overcame. I also found myself romancing the feelings of fear and accomplishment once again.

As we drove along deeper into Kings Canyon, I felt compelled to stop the car to get a closer look at Kings River. I was lost for words and mesmerized by the raging river. With all the rain we’ve had this past season, the river was practically overflowing. My imagination began to wonder, how could anyone ever survive after falling into the river? It would be impossible, which is all the reason why this river should be feared and respected. Kings River is beautifully violent and is nature at its rawest and it has my utmost respect.

Once again I faced my fear of heights head on by taking a ¼ of a mile hike up Moro Rock. Moro Rock entails a climb up 400 steps that ends at 6725 feet. I was fine making my way to the top of the stairs up until I looked over the edge. After that I started to feel my body freeze up, I couldn’t catch my breath and the thought of going over the side made me want to curl up into fetal position. After few seconds of entertaining my worse thoughts, I regained myself and made it to the top. This was my biggest challenge and I told myself when I get to the top I will raise my hands in victory. Long story short, I did raise my hands for .2 seconds and they quickly came down. I also felt relieved to talk to a woman from France who suffered from acrophobia as well and she too was facing her fear. Again I faced my fears and made it out alive and I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment.

On the last Friday of our trip we meet up with some family members to enjoy the rest of the sights together. And I remember my brother-in-law saying that he hoped to see a bear along the way so he could get some photographs. And I responded and said, “I don’t think that will happened since there are so many people sight seeing.” Needless to say, we encountered not only a bear but also a mama bear and her cubs several feet away. My first thought was, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I’ve never seen a bear and what are the chances of seeing the cubs as well. My second thought was, perhaps my brother-in-law could do some wishful thinking regarding the lottery? All joking a side, the bears were amazing but with all the spectators viewing the mama bear and her cubs, she was not happy. And to top it off there were people doing stupid things to get the bears attention. Clearly the bear began to feel threatened and acted out in away that showed it. All the time, I keep my distance and took some pictures but I knew it was time to let nature alone, so we left. Oh before I forget, I also encountered a few snakes along the hikes and that is another fear of mine. But in the end, I survived that as well.

So, what are your fears… and do you intend to face them? If your worst fear or fears crossed your path, what would you do? Speaking for myself, I plan to face my fears head on and not run away. I can also say from each fearful experience, I’ve discovered a different part of me. I know what it feels like to feel completely helpless and out of control and for me those are not good feelings since I’m a control freak. I’ve also learned what it’s like to be broken and made stronger and because of that, I would do it all over again;-).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Facts About Coconut Water.

I’m sure you've heard all the hype regarding coconut water but does coconut water really leave up to all the hype? I personally am a fan of anything that has coconut in it including coconut water. Coconut water has been touted as being able to boost your immune system and help with digestion. It’s also been said that its hydration benefits compared to water are superior because of it natural content of electrolytes. Here’s what I do know about coconut water. Coconut water is a great hydrating beverage during and after physical activity. Some athletes may prefer other electrolyte beverages that contain a higher amount of sodium for sweat loss or coconut water that has been fortified. Coconut water without additional fortification will lack it some electrolytes. Coconut water naturally does contain a good amount of potassium and is low in calories but it also can vary in ingredients. Some brands add additional herbs, vitamins and minerals for added benefits. In closing, coconut water overall is a good hydrating beverage but if you plan on doing extended physical activity (over an hour) you might want to consider drinking a performance drink that will provide a better balance of electrolytes for sweat loss or fortified coconut water.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Calcium is more than just a bone builder

Most people know how important calcium is for bones. But do you know what other functions calcium has in the body besides building and maintaining bone density? Calcium, with the help of phosphorus, vitamins D and weight bearing exercises work together by building and preserving bone density. Calcium also works by helping to create acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. Calcium also plays a role in contracting and relaxing muscles as wells as being a catalyst in blood clotting and other cellular activity. Sources of calcium include: dairy, Salmon, sardines, clams and oysters. Calcium can also be found in vegetable sources such as greens, broccoli, cauliflower, legumes, tofu, black strap molasses and dried fruit. Other sources of calcium include, fortified orange juice as well as cereals. Adults should aim to get 1000-1200mg a day and people who are at risk for osteoporosis may need 1500mg a day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can Carb Loading Increase Your Endurance

During physical activity your muscles are fueled by sugar that is stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen. Many athletes like to "carbo load" several days before an athletic event that will require long term energy such as a marathon. The theory behind carbo loading is it allows your muscles to store large amounts of glycogen to fuel your muscles with the much needed energy for the prolonged event. Day one of carbo loading starts with a tough workout to drain the muscles of glycogen. The following three days are used to further deplete the muscles of glycogen. This is done by following a high protein and high fat diet. In the last three days prior to the big event the individual will increase carbohydrate intake but reduce exercise. This will allow the muscles to fill with a greater amount of glycogen than before.

Carb loading can be successful. But keep in mind the days that your following a lower carbohydrate diet you still need to make wise choices regarding your sources of protein and fat. For example, try to stick with lean sources of protein that contain low amounts of saturated fats. And your source of fat should still come from sources that are high in mono and polyunsaturated fat.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Low Down on Cellulite

Cellulite, the pain in the butt or should I say on the butt. There are a few factors that may contribute to cellulite such as genetics, poor circulation, lack of exercise, hormones and smoking. Unfortunately this is not a big concern for men as it is for women because women have more factors that make them susceptible to cellulite. For example, cellulite begins to raise its cottage cheese head around puberty years or menopause when the hormones begin to change. Estrogen can contribute to weakening collagen in that area resulting in cellulite. Cellulite is also known to be in various grades meaning 1-3. Grade 1 having less signs and symptoms. Grade 2 has less elasticity in the surrounding tissue and changes are noted. Grade 3 is the worse and is more visible.

Here are somethings you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Start by building up more muscle. If your cellulite problem is on your legs, you should exercise your legs by doing, squats, deadlifts (strengthen hamstring muscles or back of the leg) and lunges which strengthen both the front and back of legs. Also consider loosing weight. Having excessive weight can contribute to cellulite. A routine that consist of cardiovascular activity as well as weight training can help reduce weight and strengthen muscles. If you have poor circulation, consider massage. People who stand or sit long periods of time are susceptible to poor circulation, thus increasing the likelihood of cellulite.

If your wondering rather or not cellulite creams work, they may or may not, here's why. For women who apply creams, they may notice a difference because of the massaging action on the thighs (not the cream). The massage will help increase circulation thus reducing some of the appearance of cellulite. If your wanting to give the "cellulite reduction creams" a try, your better off saving your money and eating a balanced diet along with exercise and a massage;).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a natural substance that is found in muscle tissue and is necessary in order for muscles to contract. Some research does support creatine supplements as being able to aid in short burst activity such as weight training or sprinting. However, it does not have the same benefit for endurance athletes. The doses that are used are 3-5grams a day. Although creatine may not be harmful, some products that are on the market that contain creatine maybe questionable because of added herbs and other supplements. Supplements are not regulated so people should be cautious of the supplements they purchase. And in regards to creatine, one has to question the purity of the product. Natural sources of creatine include lean red meat, wild game and some fish are good sources such as, salmon, herring and tuna.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Burn calories just by talking on your cell phone?

What if you could burn extra calories just by talking on your cell phone? Or fidgeting, wiggling, tapping your toes, doing a hobby etc... These are all called non-exercise activity thermogeneises or NEAT. In fact, people who are fidgeters burn more calories and can maintain their weight better in the long run. Research shows that some people maybe biologically more prone to fidgeting. However, if you’re not a fidgeter, you may want to consider it. If you would like to make NEAT apart of your Activities of Daily Living, here’s a few things you can do to get started. If you’re seated at a desk start tapping your toes. Playing some upbeat music can make the tapping more inviting. Tapping your toes can burn an extra 3 or more calories a minute depending on how fast your tapping. Also, instead of talking on the phone and doing nothing, get up and start walking around during your conversation, this too can utilize energy. You may even want to consider getting rid of that boring office chair and trading it in for something more…ergo interesting, such as a stability ball. Sitting on a stability ball can activate core stabilization and this too can expend more energy and help correct poor posture. Consider organizing your desk more often, perhaps throughout the day or stretching after each restroom break. These are great ways you can burn a few extra calories and allow your body to stay active throughout the day.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How safe if diet soda?

New research from scientists at Columbia University and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine said at an international conference that included the American Stroke Association that, diet soda can increase stroke risk. The study was based on a nine-year analysis of 2,500 people that were past the age of 40. The scientist found a link between the consumption of diet soda and vascular problems. In another study that was done showed a link between sodium consumption and ischemic strokes. People who consumed one or more diet sodas a day had a 61% increase in having vascular problems. In addition, people who took in more that 4,000 mgs of sodium a day had twice the risk of stroke compared to individuals who consumed no more that 1,500 mgs of sodium a day.

This is all the more reason to chuck the diet soda and opt for something healthier such as a brewed ice tea, flavored water or ginger brew. I personally am a fan of the company Honest Tea. This company has been around for sometime and I enjoyed selling their products when I worked in the natural foods industry. Honest Tea’s has a variety of certified organic Tea’s and Honest Ade. When you look at a label you will find organic cane sugar, organic juices or tea, depending on which product you purchase. Their beverages are low in calories, high in antioxidants and are refreshing.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Natural Products Expo West 2011. An experience worth sharing.

Yesterday was Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim and as always, it felt like home. There was well over 300 vendors and suppliers and I can appreciate the passion these people have regarding their natural products. It was great seeing companies who I buy products from bring new or improved products to the market. There is a large variety of organic, vegetarian, vegan, hormone free meats, natural cosmetics, chemical free cleaning products, beverages, supplement etc…

Saturday I had the chance of tasting so many variety of foods from India, Philippines, Tex Mex style, Chinese to American foods and I must say I could totally live off the food from India. I also tried a few beverages that I’m excited to share. I don’t know where to begin so I will name a few products that I thought really stood out. Some may not be in health food or mass market stores yet but it’s certainly worth keeping your eye out for.

I started my journey yesterday down my favorite part of Natural Products West and that is the food area. This area is thousands of square feet designated for food vendors and more. As I made my way down the hall my nose was in heaven as the air was densely filled with the scents of flavorful foods from all around the world. One company that I really liked was a company by the name of PJ’s Organics. They make gluten free meals from Tex Mex Chicken Taquitos, Chicken Enchiladas and a Steak Enchiladas. I personally liked the Tex Mex Chicken Taquitos and the best part was reading the label and being able to identify all the ingredients. You can visit there website for more info regarding their foods Another company I really like is Dr. Praeger’s. I personally am a big fan of his fish sticks. It’s one way I can get my 8 year old to eat fish. His products are all natural and the ingredients are identifiable. I’m really excited about the Spinach Littles they have on the market. They were not only full of flavor but full of vegetables and have an appealing star shape for kids. My son is a finicky eater so I look forward to buying this for him to try. Also Dr. Praeger has a variety of frozen foods that are vegetarian and gluten free. You can visit their website for more info at

This year, I really took my time in the international food area and I feel in love with a variety of Indian foods. One company that I remain loyal to is Tasty Bites. There line of foods are shelf stable and can be found in mass-market stores as well as natural foods stores. Tasty Bites has a variety of Asian rices that are new to the market and can be heated up in 90 seconds and are ready to serve. I’ve personally tried all their vegetarian line of foods from India and I really enjoy them. However, I’m not a big fan of their Kashmir Spinach but everything else is worth trying. Next is a line from India called, Kitchen of India. I must say when I took a bite of the Chick Peas Curry, Samosa (crispy pastry with potato filling) and the Basmati rice, I could have sworn it was from an authentic restaurant of India. If you’ve never had Indian food this is a great product to try. Kitchen of India’s foods are full of great flavors. You can taste the curry, cinnamon, coriander, turmeric and each seasoning complements the other. This product comes in frozen and some shelf stable. Kitchen of India can be found at Vons and I think Raley’s in Northern Cal. A company by the name of Viana makes a variety of vegan, cholesterol free, GMO free and organic foods. This is a Germany based company that has their products imported by Tofutown North America. Visit there website for more info at

If you’re looking for “natural candy” and are a fan of licorice, Tubi’s makes a yummy red licorice and an organic black licorice, which I’m told is good but I personally can’t stand black licorice. Tubi’s is found at most healthy food stores.

A company that also stood out was Farmer’s Market Foods. They have been in the natural foods business for some time. This is a family owned company out of Oregon with an outstanding product. They provide USDA organic canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. When I first came across their booth, I was blown away by the vibrant colors of their pureed vegetables. The corn, butternut squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes were samples they were offering. I decided to try the fresh pumpkin but I was skeptical because the only way I eat pumpkin is in a pie but I gave it a try. I had one bite of the pumpkin puree and I had to try the rest of the vegetable purees. The taste of the corn was better than some of the “fresh corn” that I’ve bought in the supermarket. The corn was sweet, the sweet potato puree was full of color and was good enough to eat alone, and the butternut squash was full of flavor. Farmer’s Market products are wonderful and worth buying. The purees are not only good for recipes but great for making homemade baby food. And the best part is it’s all natural. You can find their products at Natural Food markets. Visit their website for more info at

If you’re a woman who is looking for natural cosmetics, search no more. I personally use a brand called Mineral Fusion. They are based out of Denver and they make a great line of eyeliners, mascara, mineral powder, blush etc… There body lotions, washes, shampoos etc… are paraben and phtalate free, gluten free, 100% vegetarian, hypo-allergenic, rich in minerals and overall good quality. I really like their mineral eyeliner. I know for sure that Clark’s Nutritional Center’s carry a nice extensive line of Mineral Fusion. You can also visit there website for more info.

Great teas to look out for are Numi. They have organic, GMO free teas that taste great and they work to help the local natives. Steaz Zero Calorie Iced Tea (100% natural). Mate Factor’s Fresh Yerba Mate (Organic), Bigelow Wild Blueberry Acai (full of antioxidants). Teeccio Coffee substitute contains no caffeine and the vanilla nut is my personal favorite.

There is so much to talk about and share, I wish I could plug my brain into my laptop and have it all appear on my blog. But since I can’t do that, I will share more over the next few weeks. One of the highlights of Expo West was Jillian Michaels. She is the spokes person for So Delicious and spent a few minutes throwing down T-shirts to promote their products. I attempted to take pictures but if you have a cell phone cam, you know they’re not that great if you don’t have a steady hand. Anyways I hope you enjoy this blog and look out for some of the products I felt are worth trying.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism.

Recently I read in a magazine about ways to boost your metabolism. Normally I’m pretty skeptical about fat burning tips however, these tips had research to back them. So, I felt comfortable sharing them this week with you. A study out of Scripps Clinic in California said grapefruit contains an antioxidant called naringenin that helps to control insulin, resulting in stable blood glucose and calories being burned more efficiently. You can also reeve up your metabolism by eating more whole grains. Whole grains require more energy for your body to metabolize, thus boosting your metabolism. Green tea made the list of metabolism boosters as well. There has been ongoing press for some time about green tea’s metabolism boosting benefits. The active constituent responsible for green teas weight loss benefit is epigallocatechin. This phytochemcial “stimulates the nervous system” without increasing heart rate. The article went on to say that 3 cups of green tea a day can help burn an extra 80 calories a day. Lastly, hot peppers such as cayenne, jalapenos and habaneros contain a phytochemical called capsaicin that helps to increase metabolism. In fact, having a meal that contains any of these peppers can increase your metabolism by 25% for up to 3 hours after a meal.

These are great tips to add to any healthy lifestyle plan. Keep in mind that there are no quick fixes to weight loss and if there are, they’re only temporary and may not be healthy. My advice to you is to be good to your body and it will be good to you;).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Chocolate Alternative (Carob)

If you’ve never tried carob, you’re missing out on a sweet and healthy treat. Carob is one of my favorite sweet treats, in fact I find myself opting for carob chips on my frozen yogurt instead of chocolate chips. Or occasionally I’ll stop by Clark’s Nutritional Centers for a few yummy carbo malted balls that can be found in the bulk bins. Carob malted balls are like Whoppers malted milk balls but have more flavor and are lower in fat and calories. Carob is closely related to chocolate and has many of the same health benefits as chocolate. Carob is known for it’s hint of cocoa and coffee flavor but is without caffeine. Carbo is also lower in calories and fat compared to chocolate. It’s also high in fiber and low in sugar. Its low sugar content is because it’s naturally sweeter compared to chocolate, thus requiring less sugar during processing. Some health benefits to eating carob include a higher protein and calcium content. When comparing carob to chocolate, carob does not contain oxalic acid, which can get in the way of calcium being absorbed in the body. Carob is also lower in sodium and is a good source of copper, manganese, potassium, and magnesium. It naturally has a high level of vitamin A and B vitamins. There is also some research to show that carob can help reduce migraines and acts as a remedy for diarrhea.

If your wondering how to use carbo, you can pretty much use it the same way you would use chocolate in a recipe. It comes in powder or solid form and can be found at a natural foods store such as Clark's Nutritional Centers, Sprouts or Whole Foods Market.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mind Over Health

Are you in a mental state of wellness or has your thoughts reeked havoc on your health? Our minds are so powerful that it can literally make us sick. Having a positive attitude and being happy overall can have a good effect on health. We may not have control over everything in this life but we certainly can have control over our thoughts, the choices we make and the actions we take. Studies have shown that people who are happier about their home life, work environment and life overall have lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol levels (stress hormone), less anxiety, stress and other ailments. In addition, the bible tells us in Proverbs 17:22 that “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Even the Greek philosopher Plato believed that being happy could decrease burdens on the soul and have a positive effect on health. Another example of mind over health is Emile Coue who was a French psychologist and pharmacist in the 1900’s who was renowned for using a method called autosuggestion to help heal people of ailments. Many people who followed his method were told by him to recite “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” As a result, many people were healed of their ailments.

Like everyone else, I to am faced with my share of daily stress. In fact, some days may be more or less than others. But regardless I try to tell myself, no matter what the source of the stressor is, “it’s not worth poor health.” After telling myself this, it makes the stressor a little more manageable. Besides, most of the time I’m the one who brings on the stress (lol).

If your current mental state is poor, ask yourself, “is it worth poor health?” Life will continue to throw us all curve balls and challenges but it’s up to us as to how we take on those challenges. Keep in mind that some stress can be beneficial but it too should be in moderation;).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lemon Juice Can Help Reduce the Effects of Aging

New research out of Mount Sinai School of Medicine NYC says, cooking with lemon juice may reduce the effects of aging. For instance, by adding lemon juice to meats before cooking helps reduce a harmful compound called “advanced glycation end product" that increases aging in the body. Cooking meats by grilling, broiling, baking and searing can increase AGE’s. The theory with research is that lemon juice helps to decrease the formation of these compounds. Meats should marinate in the lemon juice for an hour, depending on the size and type of meat.

It’s also good to serve a liberal amount of veggies and a serving or more of fruits at meal times (depending on how many servings you had thus far in the day). Fruits and veggies contain a high amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals that can help make aging all the more graceful;).

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are you taking balance for granted?

How important is balance to you? Is it a part of your exercise regimen or is it something you never really think about and kinda take it for granted? Balance is very important; in fact it’s a skill that could save your life. Balance training should be taken seriously and be a part of your exercise routine. As we age, it becomes a skill that is more and more challenging. A recent article I read said, declining balance skills is said to be a “major factor in the 450,000 hospitalizations” that occur in the US annually. That means a lot of these hospitalizations could have been prevented, by doing exercises to help improve balance.

Here are a few things to keep in mind in terms of balance. Core, resistance and agility training with some stretching, is a great start to help improve balance. Having strong core muscles will help keep your body more stable and capable of doing activities that may be a little more challenging. In addition, having good leg strength and ankle flexibility will allow you to have a better range of motion, thus reduce your chance of falling.

To improve the flexibility in your hamstrings (back of the legs) you can simply sit on the floor and touch your legs (ankles) or toes and hold that position for a count of 15 to 30 and release. Abdominal crunches are a great simple beginner exercise to help strengthen your core. Tightrope walking is a balance exercise that will help improve balance and mental focus. It can be done by walking heal to toe with your arms extended shoulder length at your sides so your hands are parallel to the floor. This exercise can be made more advanced by lifting your leg out in front of you, keeping it straight and counting to 10 then releasing and extending it backwards while holding your balance for a count of 10, then switching legs. Doing exercises such as squats or even jump roping will help increase leg strength. An exercise that can be done to improve agility is “side to sides.” Sides to sides are done by jumping to your right and left (at a slow pace) then gradually picking up speed. This exercise will help strengthen your ankles as well has your calf muscles.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Setting Realistic Goals & Resolutions

Here we are entering another new year and if you are like many Americans who made a New Years resolution, you are probably on your way to a new you or at least that’s the plan. I personally have never been much of a fan of “New Years Resolutions” but I am big on making changes in your life that will equate to a healthier and better you. One thing to keep in mind when making a “resolution” or goal is to keep it realistic. I remember when I was pregnant with my son and I gained quite a bit of weight during the pregnancy. I also had my share of battles with food cravings during that time. For the most part I ate balanced and tried to keep it as healthy as possible but as I approached the end of my pregnancy, I weighted 175lbs. My goal after I had my son was to get back to my normal weight by exercising and eating right. At first that was easier said than done when your nursing and running off a few hours of sleep with a fussy baby. It was hard to stick to a regular exercise schedule in the beginning but I managed to do a little at a time by including my son in my exercise regimen. For instance, when I had a tough time putting him to sleep, I would put him in the Snuggle, which was a baby backpack that could be worn on your back or front side. Then I would go about my daily activities such as light house chores or walk around the block a few times. And on the days that I was fighting the blues, I would dance them away with my son being toted around in the Snuggle. By the time I came to the end of my cha-cha-cha he was fast asleep and I could sneak in a cat nap as well.

Making the best of my situation and taking small steps overtime helped get the extra weight off. And before I knew it, months had gone by and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my son was walking and I was chasing him around and that was exercise in itself.

Goals and resolutions don’t need to be complicated or overly thought, just realistic and small steps are a good start. Keep in mind that we all fail at one time or another but the ones who get up and dust themselves off and start again are the most successful.