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Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to reduce the appearance of cellulite

Have you tried desperately to get rid of an unsightly rippling of fat on your thighs (also known as cellulite)? Or out of desperation, tried massage devices or lotions in hopes of ditching the cottage cheese but with no such luck? And have you felt like you’re the only woman in the world with cellulite? Well not so, in fact according to ABC news, 90% of women have the same problem. The good news is, fat is fat and you can reduce its appearance with the right fitness program.

Cellulite is a result of a breakdown of tissues supporting the fat. In other words, the skin becomes less elastic with age and begins to stiffen. As a result, fat starts to accumulate and pushes through the skin, resulting in cellulite. Unfortunately, some people can be more predisposed to cellulite due to genetics and hormones. Also being overweight can make the condition more seen.

Cellulite does not need to be targeted in a special way in order to get rid of it. If you’re overweight, you can reduce cellulite by loosing weight. This can be done by creating a negative energy balance. In other words, burn more calories than what you take in. Try reducing your caloric intake by 500 calories a day, while increasing your level of activity. By exercising 20-60 minutes a day, you can achieve good results. For instance, imagine a layer of muscle, then a layer of adipose (fat) above it, with your skin covering the whole thing up. And as you exercise on a regular bases (aerobic training and weight training), the layer of fat begins to shrink and the muscle becomes more evident, resulting in a more toned look. Keep in mind that spot reducing is ineffective and an overall exercise program is the key. However, including exercises that will help build more muscle in your legs such as; squats, leg curls & dead lifts can help tone your hamstrings (back of your legs) giving them a more fit appearance.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fadd Diet

Here is my take on fadd diets; they are Foolish, And Down right Dumb, here’s why. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Fad diets are unrealistic and they never really teach you a lifestyle change, it’s always a quick fix. For example, popping a bunch of ACME nutrient rich, super colosso, magic pills that will give you all you need in just 1-10 capsules a day (no real food required). In addition, fad diets usually want you to restrict your calories to an unhealthy level. As a result, your body gets depleted of much needed nutrients that you normally would get from a balanced diet. And depending on the type of fad diet your following, it can lead to dehydration, deficiency in vitamins, minerals and can lead to other health problems. Fad diets can cause weight loss, however the weight that is lost is lean muscle tissue and water weight.

In the long run, a healthy lifestyle change is the best choice and will cost you the least. Eating right combined with exercise does require effort but I promise you in the end you will get realistic results and no injection or fancy pill required.

Imagine your body as this fragile system that needs the right amount of energy to maintain equilibrium. If you deviate too much from eating right and taking care of your body, eventually you will break the system. And that includes putting foreign matter into your body such as ACME diet pills or the Hollywood Eat Whatever You Want & Still Loose Weight Liquid that contains three ingredients (caffeine, sugar and more caffeine). So next time you’re confronted with the latest and greatest new fadd diet remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Controversy & Doing What is Right

Today I had a controversial but diplomatic discussion with a FB friend regarding a Ground Zero Mosque and both sides of the story were well presented. And if you followed the discussion, you know my stance on the subject. My stance is that out of respect to the families who have suffered losses during this tragic time as well as Americans in general, I would not agree with building it.

For a moment I would like you to set aside religion, first amendment rights etc... and recap what your goals are in this life. My goal is to not only help people through health & fitness but to do the best I can to lead my life by an example of honesty and respect to others. Understand that I am not perfect nor claim to be.

I have nothing against any race or religion. And those who know me personally know that I’m from a multicultural background and I will not deny any part of my ethnicity to fit under a “black or white check box.” I am grateful to represent many races, especially since my family consists of many races. I believe those who are citizens of this country regardless of race, ethnicity or religion are Americans.

What I'm not interested in is making my own "perfect world" via a circle of friends who agree with everything I do or believe; I’m interested in changing the world by example and not just words. For example, not every word I say has to be "God Bless" nor do I have to claim a church denomination in order to do the right thing. Those things help but are pointless without actions. I prefer actions and will stand up for what I believe is right despite controversy, political party, race or religion. This is what I was taught from a young age from a woman who is a Christan and has faith that can move mountains, my Mother.

If you have a firm belief in something, do you take action to make it happen, or is it just a thought, less the actions? There is nothing better than ending the day knowing that you have planted a seed of change and watered it with your actions, despite it being popular or unpopular with others.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

HCG Diet: Loose 1-3 pounds a day...really? Part I

Last week a client brought to my attention a diet program that some doctors are prescribing to their overweight patients. It’s called the HCG diet. If you’re a woman you’re probably familiar with this hormone since it’s produced during pregnancy. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is produced by the embryo once the egg has implanted in the uterus. During pregnancy this hormone helps to bring nourishment to the fetus by providing it with nutrients.

According to Dr. Simeon his theory has been tested and proved that HCG therapy combined with a 500-calorie a day diet will cause your body to reprogram your hypothalamus gland. By eating only 500-calories a day, this it will cause your body to reduce the amount glycogen (stored fuel) and low glucose in the blood. As a result, HCG kicks in, signaling your hypothalamus to release unwanted fat stores, while maintaining lean muscle mass and a weigh loss of 1-3lbs a day. And at the same time maintain a high level of energy. Dr. Simeon claims that the amount of HCG that is used is within a therapeutic range of 125-200iu’s compared to the amount used in fertility treatments, which is 10,000iu’s. He also says this treatment has been used since the 1950’s for men and women for weigh loss and is reported safe.

What Dr. Simeon’s does not mention in his online claim the side affects associated with using HCG injections and that the FDA since 1975 has required all HCG diet claims to state, “HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restrictions that it causes a more attractive or ‘normal’ distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.” HCG can have many side affects such as; lowered resting metabolic rate, headaches, mood swings an increased chance of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, swelling of the extremities, increased chance of pregnancy, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath and weight gain. To be continued…