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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chromium Picolinate May Help With Mild Memory Loss

New study shows chromium picolinate may help with mild memory loss. According to Robert Krikorian, PHD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at University of Cincinnati Ohio. A recent study was done on 26 adults with mild memory loss and they were given 1,000 mcg of chromium picolinate or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. The adult group who took the chromium picolinate showed an improvement on memory test, while the placebo group showed no change. The theory behind the study is chromium picolinate reduces insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when the body's cell don't utilize insulin the way it should, like in diabetes. "Too little insulin in the brain may contribute to poor memory."

If your considering taking chromium picolinate as a supplement, be sure to consult with your Dr. if you have any underlying medical condition such as diabetes. Chromium picolinate may interfere with your medication.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Dimensions of Wellness

To be healthy means to have all the key dimensions of wellness. Physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual and environmental wellness. Being physically well means to be absent from disease and physically fit. The dimension of emotional wellness focuses on being able to reflect on your own thoughts and emotions and identify obstacles and get help if needed. Where as intellectual wellness means being able to challenge ones self mentally. That doesn’t mean taking on more task but allowing your mind to be challenged. Intellectual wellness also means to have healthy relationships with others such as, friends and family. These people in your inner and outer circle should be individuals you can trust and who will be there for you through good and bad times. On the other hand, spiritual wellness is to have a belief in a higher authority. We can only control so much in this life and for me personally knowing that God is in control gives me peace and comfort in my happy and trying times. And lastly environmental wellness is a place of contentment, security and positive energy. In order to obtain environmental wellness sometimes it's necessary to separate yourself from negative people or relationships that may put you in a compromising situation that is unhealthy.

Your dimensions of wellness does not have to stop with what I’ve listed but it can be a starting point for you to change your own well-being for the better.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Sometimes I like to share my accomplishments because others might relate. For example, I like to post on my Facebook Wall that I made a healthy recipe that turned out good. Eating healthy does not have to taste bad. Or if I did well on a test in a class that may have been challenging. It's hard to be an adult with a family and work, plus attend school and make time for exercise. I'm sure others can relate. I also enjoy running and use it as an outlet to not only stay healthy but relieve stress. Sometimes I'll even post that I made a running goal and accomplished it. Perhaps this will motivate others to do the same. Running was something that I always wanted to do but was unable to do when I was younger due to a medical condition. Today I consider myself very blessed to be able to run for such long distances without having too many problems with exception to some occasional knee pain, if I over do it. And for the most part this is corrected by me backing off and starting up again little by little. I also enjoy running 5k’s with my clients who want to take up the sport, run for a cause or train for a ½ marathon.

One of my biggest accomplishments was getting up the nerve and confidence to do a photo shoot. This past Spring I was very blessed to work with a very gifted photographer by the name of Rowena Curtis. My goal was to put together some new marketing material for my business and I got the idea to get professional pictures taken by an old coworker I use to work with who now works in the same industry. I was nervous about getting pictures because I never thought of myself as the model type. If anything I’m a tomboy at heart. Long story short, I came across Rowena’s work and loved it. And I didn’t hesitate to make an appointment for a consultation. The day of the consultation when I met Rowena I knew I wanted to work with her. Rowena has a good heart and took pride in her work and described her photography as “artwork,"I agree. Although there was a set back before the actual shoot, which she was so kindly ready to refer me to someone else, I waited until she was able to do the shoot. I was glad I did. I’m a mom, a college student, a wife and a business owner with a crazy busy life. And sometimes I think we all forget we are human beings and not robots, we are God’s masterpiece’s. Rowena’s work reminded me that I am a masterpiece even though I may not feel or look like it all the time =).

You can view the full photo shoot slide show by visiting
and click on "ENTER NEW BLOG."