Are you in a mental state of wellness or has your thoughts reeked havoc on your health? Our minds are so powerful that it can literally make us sick. Having a positive attitude and being happy overall can have a good effect on health. We may not have control over everything in this life but we certainly can have control over our thoughts, the choices we make and the actions we take. Studies have shown that people who are happier about their home life, work environment and life overall have lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol levels (stress hormone), less anxiety, stress and other ailments. In addition, the bible tells us in Proverbs 17:22 that “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Even the Greek philosopher Plato believed that being happy could decrease burdens on the soul and have a positive effect on health. Another example of mind over health is Emile Coue who was a French psychologist and pharmacist in the 1900’s who was renowned for using a method called autosuggestion to help heal people of ailments. Many people who followed his method were told by him to recite “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” As a result, many people were healed of their ailments.
Like everyone else, I to am faced with my share of daily stress. In fact, some days may be more or less than others. But regardless I try to tell myself, no matter what the source of the stressor is, “it’s not worth poor health.” After telling myself this, it makes the stressor a little more manageable. Besides, most of the time I’m the one who brings on the stress (lol).
If your current mental state is poor, ask yourself, “is it worth poor health?” Life will continue to throw us all curve balls and challenges but it’s up to us as to how we take on those challenges. Keep in mind that some stress can be beneficial but it too should be in moderation;).
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