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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Going Through Chemo Without Hair Loss

For the past 2 months, I have been promoting the Women Running Wild 5k in March for breast cancer research. I though it would be of interest and appropriate to share a recent article I read in Bottom Line Health about going through chemotherapy without hairloss. Just to give you a little background about Bottom Line Health, they are a health publication that puts out the latest health and wellness strategies backed by research and medical experts. The article I read was out of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The associate professor of hematology and oncology, Susan Melin, MD shares a breakthrough regarding chemotherapy without hair loss. The article goes on to say that a “cold cap” have allowed women to go through breast cancer chemotherapy without much hair loss. Over 3,000 women in Asia and parts of Europe were able to use the cooling silicon cap while going through chemo. As a result, 80% did not experience a significant amount of hair loss. The silicone cap works by “circulating coolant” that allows the scalp temperature to drop to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. The theory behind this cap is said to work by not allowing the chemo chemicals in the blood to flow to the hair follicles, resulting in less hair loss. Although this cap has not been approved yet in the U.S, a product known as “Penguin Cold Cap uses frozen packs to cool the scalp.” These cold packs can be rented for $500 a month but most health insurances don’t cover them. If you would like more information regarding the Penguin Cold Caps, you can visit

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Which is best, eating healthy or exercise?

Loosing weight has its many challenges and the thought of where to begin is overwhelming in itself. Not to mention it would be nice to cut corners and do what is most effective, like just eat healthier and not worry so much about working out. Or vice versa. I thought I would answer this question as to which is most important, “eating healthy or exercise”…if you had to choose? Decreasing ones daily caloric intake is most effective when it comes to dropping the pounds than exercise alone. But the icing on the cake is exercise. In other words, cutting calories helps to drop the pounds but physical activity can help keep the weight off for the long run. Building lean muscle and loosing fat is the recipe to speed up ones metabolism. When the body has more lean muscle mass, more energy is required meaning your body will burn calories efficiently. In the long run you will have better weight control. In addition, the extra energy you burn will allow you to occasionally indulge in the treat of your choice.

There is not one that is better than the other but what we do know is decreasing caloric intake will best help drop the pounds. And exercise will keep the weight off in the long run.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fish Oil May Reduce Damage From Air Pollution

According to a study from the Mexican National Institute of Public Health, fish oil is more than two times the potency of soy oil when it comes to reducing free radical damage to the body caused by pollution. When as little as 2.5 micrometers particles of air pollution is exposed to the body, it can prevent antioxidant enzymes from acting as a protectant in our body. Research has shown that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids can work against the damage caused by pollutants. In the study one group received 2 grams of soy oil and the other fish oil daily. The group that was given the fish oil “received 5 times the amount of omega-3.” The researcher went on to say that, “The fact that fish oil appears to be more effective against oxidative stress related to PM2.5 exposure... than soy oil suggests the small amount of [omega-3 fatty acids]... in soy oil might be insufficient to protect against the adverse effects of PM2.5 exposure." The study did contain some flaws such as data not showing changes that may have taken place in the subjects before and after supplementation. In addition, the study failed to show the “chemical composition of the capsules.” The subjects who were a part of the study lived in a high-polluted area of Mexico (Mexico City) and the level of pollution was PM2.5 indoors and out. The 52 subjects were 76 years of age and lived in a nursing home. There was no placebo group and “the subjects acted as their own controls.” The study went on to reveal the “activity for one enzyme, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, increased 49 percent for those taking fish oil and 23 percent for those taking soy oil. Another enzyme, glutathione, increased 62 percent in the fish oil group and 55 percent in the soy oil group, according to the study.” Still the researchers say the soy oil group reported no changes. On the other hand, the fish oil group saw over 70% decrease. The research is somewhat promising and will be further investigated using a larger population, according to the researchers.

In closing, it does not hurt to supplement your diet with fish oil or eating fish a few times a week. What we do know is fish oil decreases triglycerides and possibly the chance of stroke and heart disease. It may also act as an anti-inflammatory; increases eye moisture for dry eyes, ADHA and reduce high blood pressure, raynaud's syndrome and hardening of the arteries.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Coffee Has Many Uses

I’m always open to learning about new remedies, quick fixes… things to make life easier. I’m especially interested in ways to get multiple uses out of every day things you find in your house. This brings me to this week’s health blog. Today I read this article from one of my health publication titled Bottom Line. The article was titled “Coffee’s Many Uses.” To my surprise coffee has many uses besides just drinking it hot or iced. Coffee can be used to neutralize odor by absorbing the moisture of the bad smelling source and replacing it with the scent of coffee. This can be done by filling a cheesecloth with used coffee grounds that have been cooled. Just hang it where the source of foulness originates and…voila, the odor is neutralized! Also the scent of coffee beans can act as a stress buster by inducing a relaxation response. Coffee can also be an excellent skin exfoliate. I can personally vouch for this one. Mix 1 cup of ground coffee with ½ cup of sugar and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Next, you apply the mixture to the areas of your body that you want to exfoliate. Then gently rub it in a circular motion. When your done just rinse and dry off.Coffee is also a source of minerals. In fact, it contains the minerals magnesium and chromium that can help the body utilize insulin.