Here we are entering another new year and if you are like many Americans who made a New Years resolution, you are probably on your way to a new you or at least that’s the plan. I personally have never been much of a fan of “New Years Resolutions” but I am big on making changes in your life that will equate to a healthier and better you. One thing to keep in mind when making a “resolution” or goal is to keep it realistic. I remember when I was pregnant with my son and I gained quite a bit of weight during the pregnancy. I also had my share of battles with food cravings during that time. For the most part I ate balanced and tried to keep it as healthy as possible but as I approached the end of my pregnancy, I weighted 175lbs. My goal after I had my son was to get back to my normal weight by exercising and eating right. At first that was easier said than done when your nursing and running off a few hours of sleep with a fussy baby. It was hard to stick to a regular exercise schedule in the beginning but I managed to do a little at a time by including my son in my exercise regimen. For instance, when I had a tough time putting him to sleep, I would put him in the Snuggle, which was a baby backpack that could be worn on your back or front side. Then I would go about my daily activities such as light house chores or walk around the block a few times. And on the days that I was fighting the blues, I would dance them away with my son being toted around in the Snuggle. By the time I came to the end of my cha-cha-cha he was fast asleep and I could sneak in a cat nap as well.
Making the best of my situation and taking small steps overtime helped get the extra weight off. And before I knew it, months had gone by and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my son was walking and I was chasing him around and that was exercise in itself.
Goals and resolutions don’t need to be complicated or overly thought, just realistic and small steps are a good start. Keep in mind that we all fail at one time or another but the ones who get up and dust themselves off and start again are the most successful.
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