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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Suicide: Why couldn’t he see his value? “Behind my smile is a world of pain”

This morning I was reading the paper and I came across a story that stirred painful emotions and brought back memories of people whom I knew personally who considered suicide and one whose actions were successful. The incident that brought back recent memories involved Facebook. It was someone I knew who was in a relationship that fell apart and he was devastated and posted notes on FB that was disturbing. I contacted him to see what was going on and if he was ok?. Long story short, he was fine after talking with him and time healed his broken heart.

The story was different for a 21 year old  young man by the name of Antjuan Miguel Colvin. Colvin decided to take his life on Christmas day in Hughson California. He posted a note on FB thanking his friends and family for the “impact they had on his life but he could no longer take living.” When his friends and family found this out, they tried desperately calling his cell. One friend whom he grew up with tried calling him “100 times” with no luck. Some thought he was joking but he obviously was not. His girlfriend had no idea that he would do such a thing. But his former girlfriend said “he could hide doubt and depression behind his smile."

Most people who are contemplating suicide do show signs such as: anger, drug and alcohol abuse, talk about dying, withdrawing from friends and family, risky behavior, depression and no longer having pleasure in activities they use to enjoy. In Colvin’s case, he posted a note back in November on FB saying, “I hide all my problems behind my smile, behind my smile is a world of pain, you think you know me but you don’t.”

What hurts me is he never knew the value of his life and what he meant to others. People who knew him said, “ he was always smiling and knew how to make people laugh.” Colvin made an impression on many lives and people whom he did not know...such as me. Colvin won’t be forgotten and if anything his story makes me want to open my heart more to others in need and it serves as a reminder that we should never take ourselves or others for granted. I urge anyone who reads this to take the time and care more for others and to be more aware of anyone they may know who could be at risk of suicide.  It really hurts when someone you know does such an atrocious act…you can’t rewind time and bring them back. It leaves a hole in your heart that never really closes but reopens when you read about stories like this. Please value life and realize that you are a life gem and can’t be replaced. You may think you don’t matter but you do…your priceless.

If you or anyone is at risk of harming themselves, please call National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Burn 100 or More Calories in 15 Minutes

Triceps Dips
The holidays don’t mean you have to carry extra baggage into the new years, meaning fat. According to Lucas J. Carr, PhD, assistant professor in the department of kinesiology at the College of Health and Human Performance of East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. There are several activities you can do to burn 100 calories in 15 minutes.
  • Try doing a cycle of push-ups, pull-ups, triceps dips and jumping jacks in 15 minutes. These high intensity calisthenic activities can burn anywhere from 100 or more calories in 15 minutes.
  • A game of touch football, tennis or even basketball with no rest, can burn a 100 or more calories.
  • Using a push mower instead of a seated mower is a great way to burn off the extra.
  • Going up and down the stairs with no rest.
  • Even doing 15 minutes of intense kickboxing can burn 100 or more calories. And if you forgot to wear shin guards and have a little bruising after your cardio kickboxing, try taking a warm Epsom salt bath or using a warm compress to help in the healing process. When the skin bruises, it’s caused by broken capillaries underneath the skin, which can cause that black and blue coloring. Or if you’re prone to bruising, make sure your eating enough greens in your diet, which are a good source of vitamin K. In addition, vitamin C is also helpful with bruising because it helps with collagen synthesis. If bruising last longer that a couple of weeks, you may need to see your doctor to make sure there is no underlying medical reason why your bruising easily or the bruising is lasting longer than normal
In closing, checking your baggage in at the airport is one thing but as far as the extra poundage is concerned, you don’t have to check it in. In fact, leave it in 2012 and start your New Years with a happier, slimmer and healthier you;-).