· Women should get around 1000-1200mg of calcium a day. A good calcium formula should contain calcium citrate, magnesium, and vitamin D to help aid and insure absorption.
· Don’t be afraid to eat fat. 20-35% of your diet should contain UNsaturated fats such as; nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and grape seed oil. These are the fats that aid in muscle repair and increase HDL, which helps to lower your risk of heart disease.
· Start moving! As little as 20-30 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity can lower your risk of some diseases. If you’re really physically unfit break your exercise session into 2-3 10-minute sessions to achieve health benefits. Exercise does not have to be a chore, so make it something you enjoy.
· Eat a balanced diet of 5 or more servings of fruits and veggies a day. For example, 2 ½ cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit. Eating small frequent meals throughout the day may work by helping you to make better food choices verses going a long period of time without eating may result in poorer food choices. Also eating 25-35 grams of fiber a day, will help reduce risk of some diseases and help you stay full longer.
· Reduce your salt intake. Food & Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine recommends a sodium intake less than 2400mg a day & under 1500mg for people with hypertension.
· If you plan on exercising, be sure to eat a small meal an hour or so prior. Choose a snack that is high in carbs, low in fat, protein & fiber to minimize stomach upset (gastric emptying). This will help provide you with energy for a good workout.
· Post-exercise: Eat a small meal high in carbohydrates and protein! The carbohydrate will help restore muscle glycogen and the protein will aid in muscle repair. For example, a serving of fruit & a glass of skim milk.Protein also require more energy for your body to breakdown. In other words, you use more calories in the process.
· Lastly, when your feeling stressed, find a place that is quiet or where you can just close your eyes for a few minutes & do 5-10 minutes of deep breathing. This will help lower your blood pressure by several points and it will bring the calm you need to finish out your day!
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