Acne affects roughly 17 million plus Americans but the majority are adolescents. Unfortunately for some, it may or may not continue into middle age with women being the ones who experience it the most. The onset of acne occurs when the sebaceous glands are triggered by sex hormones. This results in the skin having an increased production of oil that can cause the ducts to become plugged. The plug duct begins to accumulate bacteria that cause the skin to become inflamed, thus producing the…dreaded zit. What’s interesting is how food can affect hormone production. Androgens and hormonal mediators can be triggered by foods and may cause the increase of sebum in the gland. Possible foods that may be culprits are dairy, high glycimic foods and increased fat intake. The speculation of dairy being the cause is due to the possible link of milk containing hormones and bioactive molecules. The other theory is hyperinsulinemia (an increased amount of insulin in the blood) triggers a sequence of events in the endocrine that affect the sebaceous glands. A 12-week study that was done on young men showed a decrease in acne for those who were on a low glycemic diet. Also they had experienced a weigh loss and an improved sensitivity to insulin. The study also showed changes in the surface of the skin related to the fatty acid composition of skin surface trigylcerides; that can affect the production of sebum. Foods that are considered high glycemic are, white bread, potatoes and other sugary foods that can cause a surge in insulin. Foods that are low glycemic are, sweet potatoes, beans and other high fiber foods that result in a gradual increase in insulin.
Natural methods that can be used to better control acne are, eating a nutritious diet, exercise regularly to help control weight, alpha hydroxy acids, tea tree oil and zinc supplementation. Tea tree oil can be found in health food stores and is applied topically to help clear the skin of bacteria. Tea tree oil is not for everyone. Those who may have a condition called rosacea, should not use it as it can make their condition worse. Alpha hydroxy acids are applied topically as well and can help rid the skin of dead skin cells that can clog pores. It can also help in the healing process of acnes scars. Zinc supplementing can be done orally or applied topically. Zinc works by aiding in the wound healing process, helping to reduce inflammation. Zinc supplements should be taken with food as it can cause nausea.
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