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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Suicide: Why couldn’t he see his value? “Behind my smile is a world of pain”

This morning I was reading the paper and I came across a story that stirred painful emotions and brought back memories of people whom I knew personally who considered suicide and one whose actions were successful. The incident that brought back recent memories involved Facebook. It was someone I knew who was in a relationship that fell apart and he was devastated and posted notes on FB that was disturbing. I contacted him to see what was going on and if he was ok?. Long story short, he was fine after talking with him and time healed his broken heart.

The story was different for a 21 year old  young man by the name of Antjuan Miguel Colvin. Colvin decided to take his life on Christmas day in Hughson California. He posted a note on FB thanking his friends and family for the “impact they had on his life but he could no longer take living.” When his friends and family found this out, they tried desperately calling his cell. One friend whom he grew up with tried calling him “100 times” with no luck. Some thought he was joking but he obviously was not. His girlfriend had no idea that he would do such a thing. But his former girlfriend said “he could hide doubt and depression behind his smile."

Most people who are contemplating suicide do show signs such as: anger, drug and alcohol abuse, talk about dying, withdrawing from friends and family, risky behavior, depression and no longer having pleasure in activities they use to enjoy. In Colvin’s case, he posted a note back in November on FB saying, “I hide all my problems behind my smile, behind my smile is a world of pain, you think you know me but you don’t.”

What hurts me is he never knew the value of his life and what he meant to others. People who knew him said, “ he was always smiling and knew how to make people laugh.” Colvin made an impression on many lives and people whom he did not know...such as me. Colvin won’t be forgotten and if anything his story makes me want to open my heart more to others in need and it serves as a reminder that we should never take ourselves or others for granted. I urge anyone who reads this to take the time and care more for others and to be more aware of anyone they may know who could be at risk of suicide.  It really hurts when someone you know does such an atrocious act…you can’t rewind time and bring them back. It leaves a hole in your heart that never really closes but reopens when you read about stories like this. Please value life and realize that you are a life gem and can’t be replaced. You may think you don’t matter but you do…your priceless.

If you or anyone is at risk of harming themselves, please call National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Burn 100 or More Calories in 15 Minutes

Triceps Dips
The holidays don’t mean you have to carry extra baggage into the new years, meaning fat. According to Lucas J. Carr, PhD, assistant professor in the department of kinesiology at the College of Health and Human Performance of East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. There are several activities you can do to burn 100 calories in 15 minutes.
  • Try doing a cycle of push-ups, pull-ups, triceps dips and jumping jacks in 15 minutes. These high intensity calisthenic activities can burn anywhere from 100 or more calories in 15 minutes.
  • A game of touch football, tennis or even basketball with no rest, can burn a 100 or more calories.
  • Using a push mower instead of a seated mower is a great way to burn off the extra.
  • Going up and down the stairs with no rest.
  • Even doing 15 minutes of intense kickboxing can burn 100 or more calories. And if you forgot to wear shin guards and have a little bruising after your cardio kickboxing, try taking a warm Epsom salt bath or using a warm compress to help in the healing process. When the skin bruises, it’s caused by broken capillaries underneath the skin, which can cause that black and blue coloring. Or if you’re prone to bruising, make sure your eating enough greens in your diet, which are a good source of vitamin K. In addition, vitamin C is also helpful with bruising because it helps with collagen synthesis. If bruising last longer that a couple of weeks, you may need to see your doctor to make sure there is no underlying medical reason why your bruising easily or the bruising is lasting longer than normal
In closing, checking your baggage in at the airport is one thing but as far as the extra poundage is concerned, you don’t have to check it in. In fact, leave it in 2012 and start your New Years with a happier, slimmer and healthier you;-).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Refueling & Finding Your Center

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the thoughts and feelings of everything I have to do and the biggest frustration is the lack of time. I’m finding this more, as I get older, in fact, time takes on a whole new meaning. It’s no longer this thing that “I can’t wait to turn 16 to drive or 21 to drink.” I remember thinking as a kid how a year seemed like an eternity and now the pages of time flip by so fast, I can’t help but say, “Where did the time go?” As we get to different stages in our lives, we take on new perspectives and our priorities change and things that we thought were so important may not be. Also our responsibilities and obligations start to add up and we sometimes loose ourselves in the midst of all the chaos.

Growing up, I always remember my mother having the heart of a giver and still to this day she does. If she had to, she would not only sacrifice her life for her family but she would give her last piece of bread to someone in need. Those memories stay in my mind and have helped shape me. I can’t imagine doing an occupation that doesn’t allow me to help or give to others. For me, it’s the ultimate high knowing that I did something helpful or good to someone else. It’s not to say that I have not been burned many times doing so but still I can’t imagine not giving. My hope is that others would do the same in return. However, there are times that I loose myself and who I am and I find my attitude towards life changing. Balance has always been a challenge, how much do I give or when do I stop or should I even help that person? Each situation is unique as well as the individual whom I consider. What I do know is, I can’t allow my heart to harden and I try to keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes and deserves another chance and the one chance maybe the changing one, so I try to use that as my guide but I’m also human. I always like to sometimes describe myself as a cup with many straws and sometimes I have too many sippers and not enough pours. So recently, I thought it would be a good idea to go on a trip alone just to feel what it’s like to not have any straws in my cup and to refill. The city and state I chose to stay in was Saint George Utah because I’d been there many years ago. And I relish in the fact that it’s a town that does not have a lot of busyness compared to the city. I also knew that the artistic landscape and vibrant shades of reddish brown was what I needed to bring fire back into my soul. Prior to the trip I felt drained, guilty for leaving my family, work left undone, etc…Long story short, I’m glad I took the time to make that trip. I can’t tell you how much it cleared my head and it allowed me to take on some new challenges. I think my favorite part of the trip was going on hikes alone and even though the weather would change dramatically at times, I still had this sense of freedom, calm and renewal being out amongst Gods creations. Of course it was hard to come back to reality but my thoughts and memories of my trip help sustain me.

Next year I plan on doing it again because there is a sense of peace that I found and this un-need to be surrounded by people I know all the time. I must  confess…it’s nice having the feeling of not having to be anything to anybody except to be you. A wise yoga instructor and a friend of mine once said, “the center of the center of you.” What that means to me is going back to the center of me and making that center stronger, wiser and better overall. It's not to say that I have it all figured out because I don’t and still have my own battles like everyone else and I by no means am close to perfect but what I do know is finding the center of you and what your all about is part of the key to making your life the best it can be. And sometimes you have to remove yourself from everything and everyone to be in that center.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Best of the Best with Miriam Nakamoto

The best of the best…what comes to mind when you hear that phrase? If you’re someone who is extremely confident and believes you're the best, then perhaps you are. Or maybe your well educated or at a place in your life where you can say, “I’m better at being me now than I was in the past." And maybe that makes you the best as a unique individual. For me personally, I've always been fascinated with people whom in my opinion seem like the “best of the best.” They may not necessarily know this but their skill level, experience, accomplishments etc… makes them. Or they may be in a place where I would like to be or they may inspire me to reset my goals. The point that I’m trying to make is last weekend I had a great opportunity to train with, in my opinion the “best of the best.” When it comes to female Muay Thai fighters, Miriam Nakamoto  has a fighting record of 15-0 with 6 KO's and several title belts. From watching her fights, I knew right away that she is very talented at what she does and her confidence shows her ability in the ring. She moves with grace, ease and rhythm, it’s her unique fighting style. Training with her and watching her teach me how to throw kicks, punches and knees correctly was awkward at times because I felt like I had two left arms and feet. But watching her perform the movements was very graceful and effortless. This was no surprise since she has been fighting for over a decade. Fighting is a violent sport but she does it with great skill, technique and the knowledge knowing that if she does not perform at her best she could get injured.

From my experience training with Miriam at Combat Sports Academy in Dublin CA, it was a very humbling experience but also motivating and inspiring. And to be honest there were times when I wanted to give up and there were times when I was sparring with Miriam when I became very intimidated  and distracted meaning I had to keep my mind focused on what she taught me and utilize those skills in the ring verses wanting to do a 50 mph dash out of the ring lol. Out of this whole experience, I couldn’t help but to think back to this past June when my family and I did our yearly trip up to Huntington Lake where I always try to challenge myself at doing something new. Whether it’s rock climbing, hiking at a high elevation, experiencing heights with no fear or going on solo hikes. For me as time passes, I’m gaining a greater understanding of what I’m capable of and what I’m not. . However, the "nots" shouldn't  be used as a block or telling myself, “you can’t achieve that.” It’s a time when I reflect back on people whom I know are achievers or in my eyes are the “best of the best.” And in my opinion the ones who are the “best of the best,” don’t make that claim. They just view themselves as doing the best they can do as individuals. 

In closing my thoughts are, everyone should try to be the “best of the best.” Meaning the best you can be and not set unrealistic goals but at the same time don’t limit yourself. In the end, you will be surprised what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it and allow others to inspire you.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ways to Better Handle Stress

What do you do when you’re in a stressful situation? What is your reaction to the stressor? Some people resort to eating, others may suffer from mood swings or even negative behaviors. Stress is one of those things that cannot be totally eliminated. In fact, there are good stressors such as the anticipation of something exciting happening that your looking forward to. And then there is the stress that we all know too well and that’s the one that can affect our well-being in a negative way such as chronic stress. There are several forms of chronic stressors for instance, life difficulties, role strains, chronic strains, community-wide strains and daily hassles (Romas, Sharma 2010). Chronic stress can affect hormones, which in turn can affect weight loss, eating, sleeping patterns and in the long run can shorten your lifespan. How can you better cope with stress? Here are something’s to consider. If the stressor is something you can change such as a job, it may be a good idea to consider changing jobs. In such case you have to ask yourself, "Do I want to live a happy healthy life or continue watching my health diminish?" If what your doing is not making you happy then consider making a change for the better. Are there people in your life who are affecting you in a negative way? Maybe it’s time that you let those people go. No matter how hard you may hold on or try to change that person or individuals, realize that some people may never change and if they want to change they are capable of doing it on their own. Especially if you’ve given them guidance and have always been there for them but yet they never truly change. This is hard for people who are givers but understand your actions have planted plenty of good seeds and now it’s up to the individuals to make the change.

Most stress can be reduced or eliminated based on our actions. This can be hard at times when an issue is overwhelming. The best starting place is with you. When you’re focused, at peace with yourself, in a healthier state and spiritually whole, you can make better judgment. Ultimately having an end goal is very helpful. Making small healthy changes in your diet can help your body better cope with stress. Exercise is always helpful because it helps to increase endorphins which help with mood. Also weight loss  to help reduce health problems. Making sure your getting adequate rest will help with performance. Being in a spiritual state that allows you to be at peace with yourself is vital. Being in a peaceful spiritual state will teach you that you can only control so much in this life and the rest is given to God. Being at peace with yourself can be achieved through meditation. A simple form of meditation to start with and can be done anywhere is  called “loving kindness meditation.” This can be performed anywhere and it starts by thinking about someone who is close to you and sending them a mental blessing or thinking of them in a positive way.  For example, "I wish you wellness, happiness and peace.” And then wish the same things back to yourself. When you think on these things, it will bring you tranquilly and solace which in turn will help release any stress and tension.

One of my favorite ways to reduce stress besides exercise and martial arts is laughter. I maybe somewhat from the "land and of the easily amused" but one things for sure, my days are better when I've spent a good portion of it laughing. Sometimes by best friend from high school will send me a humorous text that will send me into an hysterical laugh and I will send one back and that really sets my day off to a good start.

Works Cited:
Romas John A, Sharma Manjo. Practical Stress Managment. San Fransico: Benjamin Cummings. 2010. Print

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rewriting Your Priority List

This weeks blog is about reflecting back on yourself and where you are on your priority list. Too many times life's complexities, commitments, stresses and other issues get in the way of putting ourselves first. Some how we think neglecting ourselves and doing everything else is more important. "Putting the additional hours in at work will allow me to get further ahead." Or "I’ll exercise later once I finish...(you fill in the blank)." Or perhaps the weekend comes and there are too many things going on and it makes it difficult for you to keep up your workout routine. Or your thoughts maybe, "I’m under a lot of stress right now and as soon as things get better then I’ll start eating healthier and exercising." But the reality is things never really get perfectly better. We all know the excuses and have been there at one point or another. But I want you to take the time and reflect back on your reason or reasons why you don't put yourself at the top of your priority list? What are the pro’s and cons of putting you first and then considering what should be next on the list. From my own experience putting myself first always out weighted the cons. And from my personal history I am a workaholic by nature and some how I manage to find completeness in my busyness. However, if it were not for me getting up early every morning to have my time to exercise and eating healthy, I don’t think I would be able to juggle being a career woman a mother and have a complete family life that includes friends. Sometimes it seems as if my priority list continues to grow. But one things for sure and that is I will always be at the top of that list and everything else will follow. Because the reality is when our time is up here on earth those priorities that you put before you will still remain and the things that should have been at the top of your list will suffer the most. So in my opinion, you should be first on your priority list and then family, friends etc… Also keep in mind that spirituality is a part of you and should be at the top of your list as well. Because the two are one and that's what will make you whole. Some of the most amazing people who are a part of my life have taught me this from their own experiences and I've learned this on my own. So this coming week, rewrite your priority list making you number one;-).

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Water is more than a hydrator

Water has many functions in the body. In fact, “70% of the human body” is made up of water. Water helps to remove toxins from the body, aids in absorption, regulates body temperature, circulation and excretion. It also assists in the “utilization of water soluble vitamins.” Water also plays a vital part in losing weight and maintaining weight loss. It does this by suppressing the appetite and aiding in metabolizing fat. According to Donald S. Robertson M.D., M.Sc author of The Snow Bird Diet, says studies have shown that if water is decreased in the diet, it will cause fat deposits to increase. However, drinking water can reverse the affects. When water is not consumed in optimal amounts, the kidneys are not able to function properly. When this happens, waste is passed on to the liver to metabolize. The main function of the liver is to metabolize fat into forms of energy the body can utilize. This is intercepted when the liver has to do the work of the kidneys. This results in less fat being metabolized by the liver. Water also helps to reduce fluid retention. This happens when not enough water is consumed so the body goes into survival mode and retains water. Water also helps with muscle tone by allowing the muscles to stay hydrated and contract with ease. In addition, water helps with sagging skin from weight loss by allowing shrinking cells to hydrate which plumps up the skin leaving it with a healthier appearance.

Most people should drink 64oz of water a day but this can vary based on sex and weather conditions.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Your body prefers carbohydrates, when it comes to higher intensity exercise

Your body has its preference when it comes to fuel for energy. Whenever exercise intensity increases from low to high, the body switches to glucose and glycogen as the main source of ATP. Metabolically more energy is created in the mitochondria (ATP) due to the aerobic breakdown of carbs compared to fat. As exercise intensity increases, fast twitch muscle fibers come into play (because of their enzymes). This makes them better equipped to use carbohydrates for ATP production. Keep in mind that higher-intensity exercise will also produce epinephrine production, thus increasing the metabolization of carbohydrates. And for those who are not familiar with fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitch muscle fibers come into play with higher intensity activities and some people may have a genetic make up where they have more fast twitch muscle fibers. For instance bodybuilders may have a higher amount of fast twitch muscle fibers. Compared to long distant runners who may have a greater amount of slow twitch muscle fibers.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Avocado is more than just guacamole

Most of us strive to make healthy food choices or at least eat things that are not so healthy in moderation. But for some of us moderation can be hard. For me personally homemade freshly baked pastries can be a weakness. But what you use in the ingredients can make those baked goods not, so bad after all. For instance, when baking try substituting butter with avocado. This can be done by using pureed avocado at a ratio of 70% butter to 30% avocado. If you find that the taste and texture are up to par, try doing a ½ & ½ ratio. Avocado can provide that satisfying fatty texture and taste because of its high monounsaturated fat content. A tablespoon of avocado provides 23 calories compared to 100 calories found in a tablespoon of butter. Avocado also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and provides fiber; cancer-fighting folate and potassium that can help regulate blood pressure.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Feeling Defeated?

A friend of mine posted the other on her Facebook that she felt defeated and my response was, “we must have had the same day.” I would be lying to say every day was a good day and I have no idea what defeat is. But the reality is, we all feel defeated at times. For me it’s a pride thing and to admit I have been defeated is like agreeing to lying on a bed of nails. But sometimes, I walk away stronger or I learn a lesson. And other times I don’t know what to make of the situation that trying me. But on occasion relief can come from someone you may or may not know. My day of feeling defeated was Friday last week, when just about everything started to go wrong and there was no “easy or pass” button to push, so the only choice was to deal with it or walk away. But a few things happened that reminded me that I was not completely defeated maybe just being tried? My relief came the day before Friday when I took a Yoga class that was taught by a very talented friend and colleague by the name of Claudia Sanchez who teaches a Functional Yoga class at Fitness 19 in Yucaipa. Besides gaining relaxation and stretching my body past its limits, she also took the class through a visual therapy session. During this time she told us to picture a positive word and believe it in your heart and mind that it applies to you. By the end of the class I had a better sense of control in my life but who would of known I would have needed that the most the next day. I consider Claudia a God sent and a genuine person who cares for others well-being. Most Yoga classes last about an hour long but her class is an hour and 30 minutes that is well spent stretching your body and taking your mind on a visual journey that will help you to tap into your spiritual welling being. God uses people in many ways and he certainly used Claudia that day to prepare me for Friday. When Friday arrived, the day gradually drained me but by the end of the day, my son brought a big smile to my face. He was just as excited, as I was to use my new rowing machine that came via Fedex. In my house getting a new piece of exercise equipment is about as exciting as Christmas is for a kid. I consider exercise my sacred time not only to strengthen by body but a time to myself where I can gain greater strength on the inside.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Looking Fear In The Eye

What does it mean for you to face your fears? Simply avoid them, walk away or confront them? Every year my family and I spend a week in the Sierra’s and this year we did not have plans in place as to what sites we would see. But we planned based on how we felt, once we got there. For me personally, I used that time to face some personal fears and struggles. My goal was when the trip was over; I would a better person based on the standards I set for myself. I knew that I wanted to do away with some negative things in my life, so I personally spent a lot of time meditating in the forest, doing solo hikes and early morning runs through the forest. It's during this time, that I gain a sense of freedom and infuse myself with nature and God. Last year I took the liberty of facing my fear of heights by doing things that pushed my limits. And this year was the same perhaps a little more daring. So I decided to sit on a cliff that was about 1500 ft. This was hard because I felt panic set in but after a while I told myself I have nothing to fear except my thoughts of fear that I create. My point is, I gave myself the power over the situation and not the situation, power over me. The results were a great release. I continued to face my fears by standing not too close to the edge of a cliff but close enough where I felt uncomfortable. But once again I told myself that I have control over the situation and it’s ok. Once I felt comfortable, I was then able to close my eyes. But to be honest, fear started to creep in and once the wind began to pick up, I opened my eyes because I felt panicky. It was at that point that I knew I had control over the situation and what I don’t have control over, God does, so I let go of my fear. This time when the wind picked back up, I closed my eyes again and I imagined all my doubts and fears being blown away with the wind. It was at that point the wind brought me a calm and panic did not exist.

I could go on about how I faced my fears but I won’t, however I will share one more story during my trip. One morning I decided to do my am kayaking across the lake while it was still early. I consider this a special time for me so I want to take advantage of it before everyone else is up. On my way to the lake, ironically I encountered a bear, which is one of my fears. Once the bear got a glimpse of me and I of it, we both darted in opposite directions. This is not what you should do if you encounter a bear. In fact you should make noise if you’re planning on hiking or doing any outdoors activities where you may encounter a bear. This allows them time to get away from you. The reality is, they want nothing to do with people. Long story short, I was startled and I said to myself do I really want to do any activities alone? I did anyways and strangely I faced a big fear by doing solo hikes, runs and other activities. But I also was smart and took some precautions in case I encountered Yogi again. I never did and I walked away from my vacation feeling a sense of renewal and what should take priority in my life. I don’t recommend doing what I did but it was something that I had to do for myself. But what I do recommend is that you face your own fears.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Beetroot Juice Can Help You Exercise At A High Intensity With Less Effort

A new study out of the Maastricht University of Netherlands reveals beetroot juice can reduce the amount of oxygen needed in muscles during exercise. The study showed that cyclist who drank this beverage on a regular bases for six days prior to a 10k were able to complete the race at a faster rate compared to the placebo group. According to researcher Naomi Cermak, Ph.D at the University says, “Beetroot is high in nitrate, a chemical compound that reduces the amount of oxygen your muscles need.” What this means is people who exercise and consume beetroot juice regularly are able to exercise at the same intensity but with less effort. If you’re wanting to give this a try, you can start by diluting a glass of beetroot juice with water. You can also add a squeeze of lemon to make it more palatable, depending on your taste buds. This also counts as 1 or 2 veggie servings depending on the amount you drink. Beetroot juice is also used to help lower blood pressure for those who are hypertensive.

Beetroot juice is also a source of vitamin A, B1, B2 , B3, C and folic acid as well as folate. It’s also a mineral source for magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and calcium as well. It also contains trace amounts of copper, selenium, zinc, iron and manganese.

If your wondering where to purchase beetroot juice, you can purchase it at Clark's Nutritional Centers, your local Sprouts or other health food store.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Interesting Health Related Facts & Studies

For this week’s blog, I threw together some interesting facts and studies that you may or may not be aware of.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine printed a study that showed the participants involved who supplemented with 1000mcg of B-12, for a 6-month period had a reduction in symptoms from canker sores. And other tongue related issues. These symptoms included, a reduction in pain and duration in the amount of sores.

What if there was another way to reduce the amount of food you consumed? A study that was printed in The Appetite shows the color red just might do that. The Appetite is an international journal that focuses on behavior, related to nutrition, culture, sensory and “physiological influences on choices.” This publication revealed that women who ate and drank from crimson colored dishes consumed less. Compared to women who ate and drank from blue colored dishes.

A study from the University of Exeter, revealed that people in the work place who consumed chocolate regularly were less likely to do so, if they went for a brisk walk.

A 2001 study that was published in the Asian Journal of Andrology showed that the hardy root plant known as Maca improved seminal volume and sperm motility in men. Maca is native to Peru and Bolivia and grows best at harsh high altitudes. Maca is known for it’s aphrodisiac affect in men and women and balancing hormones.

If you have any questions regarding the material I use in my post or have a health and fitness related question, feel free to email me. I do enjoy reading your emails and your questions inspire many of the blogs.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Characteristic Hearts of A Woman

In honor of Mother's Day, I'm celebrating all the women in the world who may or may not be a mother. But women of character, beauty, strength, grace and heart. This blog titled,Characteristic Hearts of A Woman is dedicated to you.

Gods gift to the human race, woman who could never be replaced. A creature with a heart of many, only she can explain each intricate function. Inside and outside beauty beyond words captivating men by her outside allure. On the inside resides, life experience, knowledge, love, compassion, heartbreak and stories that could be told more than once and every time bringing new meaning. She may even be described as a rubiks cube of complexities. How would you define a woman? Some women define themselves by their family connections, the woman of the house, the glue that holds it all together, the shoulder to cry on, the friend that understands when all hands give way. Or she is she, uniquely her own and what makes her great is… her.

A mother can read her child’s tears, a gift that was given the day she gave birth. A life bringing new life with a different meaning. The sound of a baby’s cry is more than a noise it’s the sound that he or she needs to be held or loved. Maybe the cry of hunger echoes in its screams that only a mother can interpret. A mother who loves even when her child walks away with words of anger. She is willing to forgive but the pain may never be forgotten. She is willing to sacrifice her life for those who are close to her. Time will strengthen her heart and mind and the love she has will burn as an everlasting flame. When all else fails a mother’s love will never fade.

The virtues of a woman are a heart of many that only she can explain each intricate function. She’s a mediator in chaos or the level head in the midst of uncertainty. Men may think of a woman when emotions are at play or heartbreak takes place. Perhaps the one who loves when no one else loves or cares when others don’t? A woman is a creature of many hearts that receive and distributes the lifeblood to those who are near and far. She is more than a sight of femininity or sensuality. Although her beauty is beyond her skin its vision attracts the opposite sex as God meant it to be and under the right circumstance, the two can become whole. All this begins by the presence of a woman. A puzzle of many pieces beyond sex and lust, she contains an inner beauty whose attraction resonates from her existence and heart of hearts. Woman is life, character, beauty, heart, strength, wisdom, friendship and honor. Woman is indeed beyond a vision of elegance and pulchritude. She is a frailty not weak but genuine, a heart beyond gold, a life given to love. She's been through the fire and the outcome is refinement. Her identity maybe her family, friends, work or hobbies but never be mistaken she is her own depending on how she shapes it. Her gift is her life and what she has to give is beyond money or payment but of value immeasurable. Ask her how much she is willing to pay? I would give my life for my child, my heart to my loved ones, my time and shared pain, all for a friend in need. I am willing to relive my own atrocities as a sacrifice to bring you peace and comfort. And sometimes the tears that I shed equate to a vast amount of blood loss that no tourniquet can end. Only time and slow healing can stitch my internal wounds. But nonetheless, all this I would do as these are characteristics of the many hearts I have as a woman.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

African Mango Reduces Cholesterol & Suppresses Appetite?

According to a double blind study of more than 35 obese individuals, African Mango reduced bad cholesterol levels, while increasing good cholesterol in the participants. In addition, the individuals were kept on a normal caloric diet. The theory is, the soluble fiber content in the product slows digestion as well as sugar absorption. The fiber works by binding to bile acids that pass through the body. This allows the body to convert more “cholesterol into bile acids” thus reducing cholesterol levels. But the same benefits may be achieved by foods or products high in soluble fiber.

I personally have tried this product to see if it really works. After all, it’s also touted as an appetite suppressant and I was curious to see if it lived up to its claims before I shared the low down with friends and clients. The votes are in and I must say, it does suppress appetite when taken prior to a meal. The brand that I used was by Creative Bioscience, Irvingia Gabonensis African Mango Diet 1200. The label recommends that you take 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast with 8 oz of water. They also recommend that you drink plenty of water throughout the day. I personally used it twice a day around the times that I know I’m more likely to be snacky, which is morning to early afternoon. I did notice a difference in feeling fuller after a meal so I was less likely to eat extra.

African Mango 1200 does not contain stimulants, which is why I tried it. It can be purchased at your local health food store. Keep in mind; nothing takes the place of good nutrition and ask your doctor before starting any supplements.

You can visit Creative Bioscience website at

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Supplements You Should Consider Taking Part II

This week I want to take the time and touch bases on using supplements and do we really need them. Most Americans diets lack vital nutrients that they need on a daily bases to help maintain homeostasis. People who are on diets, not sleeping or always rushed and on the go need extra micronutrients. For example, when we look at dieting, calories are being restricted. This means the individual is not getting enough vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, legumes are being restricted or replaced by less nutritious foods such as 100-calorie cookies, chips or other snack food items. These foods lack in vitamins and minerals that your body needs. And for those who do eat a fair amount of fruits and veggies, they still may not be getting the amounts their bodies need. In fact, some fresh fruits and veggies that we buy in the stores lack in nutrition. Why? Because when they are shipped or have traveled over many miles they begin to loose nutritional value by a processes known as oxidation. In addition, these foods are grown in polluted soil or soil that has been over used by mass production. Also our plant sources of food are being nourished by an environment where the air is polluted. In turn, this poses a threat to our health. For instance, when plants are grown in parts where the air quality is poor, the plant absorbs these toxins, which now become a part of the food we eat. The outcome is more Americans are suffering from nutritional deficiencies and illnesses. It's best to buy local and organic produce when possible to get the most nutrition.

There is no doubt in my mind that stress dominates our daily lives resulting in a greater need for B vitamins, zinc, iron and copper. These micronutrients play a role in our bodies assisting with metabolizing energy and more. The demands on our bodies become so great and yet we don’t give it the nourishment it needs to work at peak performance. Our bodies have a way of letting us know when trouble is present. This can vary from inflammation, lack of sleep, illness etc…In my opinion, everyone should be supplementing. The question is, with what? A multiple vitamin should be apart of everyone’s nutritional program and it essential that it’s food based. Food based is a form that the body can recognize and utilize best. Most supplements found in some mass-market stores such as Costco or Sam’s may contain synthetic ingredients that the body cannot fully utilize and can cause nausea. Vitamins should be taken with food particularly fat-soluble vitamins E, D, A and K. I highly recommend Rainbow Light, not because I work for a broker who represents their product but because I’ve used their products myself and feel the difference. Rainbow Light has been around for many years and I remember when I use to work for Clark’s Nutritional Centers I was impressed by the quality and their need to meet the consumer’s demands based on their health needs. They also have a strong conviction of doing what’s right for the planet and giving back to those in need. Rainbow Light has program called Vitamin Angel's and they donate 1 bottle of prenatal vitamins to third world countries for every 10 bottles sold. Rainbow Light has specific multivitamins, minerals, dietary supplements and more. To learn more about their supplement line you can visit their website at . You can also purchase their products through your local health food store. I recommend Clark’s Nutritional Centers because the staff is trained and very knowledgeable. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Supplements You Should Consider Taking Part I

There are some supplements that I'm really excited about and have the privilege of working for Natural Solutions to promote and sell these products to natural food retailers. The first one is Vega One All-In-One Nutritional Shake, Vibrant Health’s Green Vibrance and Pure Green Protein. All products contain no dairy, wheat, gluten, soy or added sugar. They are plant based and contain macro and micronutrients.

I’m going to start with Vega One. This is an all in one nutritional drink that takes care of 50% of the daily intake of vitamins and minerals and anyone can use it. It’s nutrient rich and is plant based so it absorbs well in the system. It also contains digestive enzymes and probiotics for intestinal health. 1 serving equates to 3 servings of veggies, 1.5 grams of omega-3’s, 15 grams of complete protein, enough antioxidants to equal 2.5 cups of blueberries with only 138 calories per serving and it mixes well. I use it by adding a scoop to my shaker cup with 1 ½ cups of water, shake it up and drink. I personally love the taste and favor the chocolate and berry flavor. It also comes in natural and vanilla chai. I’m also a person who is sensitive to certain foods so I find that this product works well for me. It's also low in calories but I have found that it makes me feel full longer and it cuts down on cravings. Although it’s not marketed for weight loss, I have found that I eat less because I feel full longer.

I’m also a big advocate of Green Vibrance. This product contains more nutrients in one serving compared to eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies. What makes this product superior is that it’s not only food based but contains a combination of greens that are from several sources. Green Vibrance was featured on Dr. Oz and works several ways. It aids in the synthesize of vitamins B and K, improves digestion, contains over 24 billion probiotics, increases the intestinal bacteria in the stomach so it’s better able to produce it’s own antibiotic affects to ward off pathogens. It also delivers micro and phytonutrients along with antioxidants to fight against aging, stress, improve immune functions, increase energy and detoxify the body. I personally like to take a shot of this in the morning. I have found that it has increased my energy level and it also helps control my cravings when taken first thing in the morning. Most food craving can be the result of a nutrient deficiency in your body, which is why this may control cravings. I recommend that you visit the website to get a better look at the product. It can be purchased at health food stores such as Clark’s Nutritional Centers, Sprouts or Wholefoods or through the website.

Vibrant Health also makes a product called PureGreen Protein. This is a non-dairy, gluten free, non-GMO product. It too is food based and is great for those who have food sensitivities. Again I’ve used this product and love it. It’s the only plant based protein supplement that has an amino acid composition equivalent to human muscle. Visit the website to find out more about this product and it too can be purchased at your local health food store if they carry it. I know Clark’s, Sprouts and some other stores carry it. . Both PureGreen Protein and Green Vibrance were featured in Better Nutrition magazine as Best Supplements in 2011.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Women Running Wild 5K (Special Thanks)

Today was Women Running Wild 5k charity run for breast cancer. First, I want to thank Geena Star and her friend Karen for their contribution to the team. Special thanks to Karen for raising $700 and $100 from Margaret Hosterman. Special thanks to Angela Sisson and Brianna for being a part of the team. I also want to thank all the other families and hubbies for coming down to support the wives. You ladies are amazing and are my inspiration! Overall there was a contribution of more than $700 that was donated to the Jody Kline Foundation for beast cancer.

It was one of those mornings where I did not feel like getting up, especially since it was still dark outside. But by the time I got down to Palm Springs, I felt a little better because there was not a cloud in the sky and overall it was a beautiful clear day with a 75-degree high by the time the race started. The most energizing thing was seeing all of my team members who were there to walk and run for a cause we all believe in. And I have to say; the energy that came off of all you ladies this morning was absolutely contagious. I was so happy to see Geena Star who is absolutely ageless since the last time I saw her. And my friends Angela and Brianna deserve first place for being the most fashionable to cross the finish line. I really loved your matching workout gear. Last but certainly not least, Mrs. Hosterman who is a ball of fire and vigor. You inspire women of all ages.

My goal today was not only to do this charity run but I also wanted to complete this little over 3 mile run at my best time. I accomplished that today by staying focus and allowing the energy around me to take root. This was not hard when your running with a group of people who are motivated to make a change against a disease that attacks many women. By staying motivated and allowing those around me to be an encouragement helped me cross the finish line with my best time ever. I am proud to say that I completed my run in a record time of 7 minutes and 2 second miles, finishing in 21 minutes and 49 seconds! I won 1st place for my age division and 6th place overall (out of 100 plus women). Thanks again to everyone who participated.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Natural Products Expo West 2012: Food Reviews

This weekend is the Natural Product Expo West convention in Anaheim and once again I had the privilege to attend this huge event. On the drive up I felt a little tired and thought I could use a nap but that went right out the window once I stepped foot on the convention floor. The amount of energy and excitement in that place is amazing! I felt no need for a nap and couldn’t wait to get started. There is so much area to cover and not enough time. I knew I had to start with my favorite area and that’s the food courts! The only problem this year was there are way too many healthy yummy foods and I didn’t have enough stomach to try them all. I am especially excited for all the new tasty gluten free, vegan, organic and vegetarian foods that are going to be coming out. The first company that I really liked is Solterra Foods. They got an award for the best new vegan product. This company makes a gluten-free, wheat-free, soy-free and egg-free pizza. It’s very convenient because it bakes in a bag. The ingredients are very clean and it taste great!

Starlite Cuisine makes rolled tacos and taquitos that can easily be made into an enchilada dish. This product taste amazing and I probably gained a pound just trying it. This is a vegan, non-GMO, no trans fats food and gluten free. Starlite Cuisine won a 1st place award for best North American Entrée.

Comfy House Foods makes an outstanding vegan pudding that is definitely one of my favorite new comfort foods. They have a “Brown & Wild” vegan multi-grain rice pudding, Quinoa Bleu (blueberry) pudding, Banana Coconut pudding as well as some other good flavors. My personal favorites are the Coconut and the Brown & Wild pudding.

Avery Trading Company has a delicious lentil pop chip called “Popadom” that is gluten free,vegan, non-GMO, no eggs, non dairy and high in protein. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 9 in taste.

B&R Liquid Adventure makes a very good carbonated Kombucha drink. Kombucha is a tea that is created from the fermenting process that produces bacteria and yeast that are known to have health benefits. Normally it taste very sour and is difficult to drink but B&R have created a beverage that is very refreshing. It’s called Butcha Live Kombucha and it comes in a variety of flavors. I personally love the Verbena Rose. It really taste like I was drinking a sweet rose.

Those of you who are fish lovers or pesco-vegetarian like myself, Blue Horizon Wild makes an outstanding variety of seafood products that range from Tuna Bites, Clam Strips, Crab Cakes and my favorite the Alaskan Salmon Surf Burger.

Amy’s has a new gluten free pizza that does contain cheese as well as a gluten-free and dairy free pizza that is a must to try.

I was excited to see a company that makes a gluten-free chicken pot pie that really taste good. The name of the company is Blake’s All Natural Foods. They also make a Shepherds Pie and some other products worth trying.

For those of you who have a hard time getting in all your veggie servings, Snapz and Glories Sweet Potato Chips is the food for you. Snapz makes all natural veggie snacks that are fat free and low in calories. They have Crunchy Carrot Crisps and my favorite the Crunchy Redbeet Crips. Glories has a Sea Salt and Maple Chipotle Sweet Potato Chips that are exceptional. My personal favorite is the Maple Chipotle.

I had my share of cookies and other sweets yesterday but I really liked Mrs. May’s Premium Chocolate Fruit & Nut Rounds. They make a variety of chocolate covered fruits with or without nuts. Since I had not had all my servings of fruits I thought this would be a good time to have try the dark chocolate blueberry almonds. I was glad I did!

I have not had any vegan hot dogs that I’ve tried and liked except for the new Tofurky Jumbo Hot Dogs. They use organic tofu, non-GMO and they are kosher certified. The regular hot dogs are good as well and the calories are 100 per serving with 4 grams of fat and 0 saturated fat.

Need a quick food for kids that is nutritionally reasonable? Try Allergaroo! They make a variety of pasta dishes for kids that are low in fat and contain some vitamins.

Nature’s Path makes very good wheat free waffles that contain Chia seeds, quinoa and amaranth. One is the Chia Plus Quinoa & Amarantha and the other is Ancient Grains. The taste is really good; I personally would be fine just popping it in the toaster and eating it without anything.

Below I posted some links and hope you would try some of these great tasting foods and support the companies who are trying to make eating right tastier and with cleaner ingredients. It’s nice to pick up a food item and be able to recognize all the ingredients listed and the best part is, it’s good for your body. Next blog, I am going to spend time blogging about a company who I found to be very impressive with their supplement and sports nutrition line. They’ve been around for sometime but I was really impressed with their new sports nutrition line.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Going Through Chemo Without Hair Loss

For the past 2 months, I have been promoting the Women Running Wild 5k in March for breast cancer research. I though it would be of interest and appropriate to share a recent article I read in Bottom Line Health about going through chemotherapy without hairloss. Just to give you a little background about Bottom Line Health, they are a health publication that puts out the latest health and wellness strategies backed by research and medical experts. The article I read was out of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The associate professor of hematology and oncology, Susan Melin, MD shares a breakthrough regarding chemotherapy without hair loss. The article goes on to say that a “cold cap” have allowed women to go through breast cancer chemotherapy without much hair loss. Over 3,000 women in Asia and parts of Europe were able to use the cooling silicon cap while going through chemo. As a result, 80% did not experience a significant amount of hair loss. The silicone cap works by “circulating coolant” that allows the scalp temperature to drop to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. The theory behind this cap is said to work by not allowing the chemo chemicals in the blood to flow to the hair follicles, resulting in less hair loss. Although this cap has not been approved yet in the U.S, a product known as “Penguin Cold Cap uses frozen packs to cool the scalp.” These cold packs can be rented for $500 a month but most health insurances don’t cover them. If you would like more information regarding the Penguin Cold Caps, you can visit

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Which is best, eating healthy or exercise?

Loosing weight has its many challenges and the thought of where to begin is overwhelming in itself. Not to mention it would be nice to cut corners and do what is most effective, like just eat healthier and not worry so much about working out. Or vice versa. I thought I would answer this question as to which is most important, “eating healthy or exercise”…if you had to choose? Decreasing ones daily caloric intake is most effective when it comes to dropping the pounds than exercise alone. But the icing on the cake is exercise. In other words, cutting calories helps to drop the pounds but physical activity can help keep the weight off for the long run. Building lean muscle and loosing fat is the recipe to speed up ones metabolism. When the body has more lean muscle mass, more energy is required meaning your body will burn calories efficiently. In the long run you will have better weight control. In addition, the extra energy you burn will allow you to occasionally indulge in the treat of your choice.

There is not one that is better than the other but what we do know is decreasing caloric intake will best help drop the pounds. And exercise will keep the weight off in the long run.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fish Oil May Reduce Damage From Air Pollution

According to a study from the Mexican National Institute of Public Health, fish oil is more than two times the potency of soy oil when it comes to reducing free radical damage to the body caused by pollution. When as little as 2.5 micrometers particles of air pollution is exposed to the body, it can prevent antioxidant enzymes from acting as a protectant in our body. Research has shown that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids can work against the damage caused by pollutants. In the study one group received 2 grams of soy oil and the other fish oil daily. The group that was given the fish oil “received 5 times the amount of omega-3.” The researcher went on to say that, “The fact that fish oil appears to be more effective against oxidative stress related to PM2.5 exposure... than soy oil suggests the small amount of [omega-3 fatty acids]... in soy oil might be insufficient to protect against the adverse effects of PM2.5 exposure." The study did contain some flaws such as data not showing changes that may have taken place in the subjects before and after supplementation. In addition, the study failed to show the “chemical composition of the capsules.” The subjects who were a part of the study lived in a high-polluted area of Mexico (Mexico City) and the level of pollution was PM2.5 indoors and out. The 52 subjects were 76 years of age and lived in a nursing home. There was no placebo group and “the subjects acted as their own controls.” The study went on to reveal the “activity for one enzyme, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, increased 49 percent for those taking fish oil and 23 percent for those taking soy oil. Another enzyme, glutathione, increased 62 percent in the fish oil group and 55 percent in the soy oil group, according to the study.” Still the researchers say the soy oil group reported no changes. On the other hand, the fish oil group saw over 70% decrease. The research is somewhat promising and will be further investigated using a larger population, according to the researchers.

In closing, it does not hurt to supplement your diet with fish oil or eating fish a few times a week. What we do know is fish oil decreases triglycerides and possibly the chance of stroke and heart disease. It may also act as an anti-inflammatory; increases eye moisture for dry eyes, ADHA and reduce high blood pressure, raynaud's syndrome and hardening of the arteries.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Coffee Has Many Uses

I’m always open to learning about new remedies, quick fixes… things to make life easier. I’m especially interested in ways to get multiple uses out of every day things you find in your house. This brings me to this week’s health blog. Today I read this article from one of my health publication titled Bottom Line. The article was titled “Coffee’s Many Uses.” To my surprise coffee has many uses besides just drinking it hot or iced. Coffee can be used to neutralize odor by absorbing the moisture of the bad smelling source and replacing it with the scent of coffee. This can be done by filling a cheesecloth with used coffee grounds that have been cooled. Just hang it where the source of foulness originates and…voila, the odor is neutralized! Also the scent of coffee beans can act as a stress buster by inducing a relaxation response. Coffee can also be an excellent skin exfoliate. I can personally vouch for this one. Mix 1 cup of ground coffee with ½ cup of sugar and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Next, you apply the mixture to the areas of your body that you want to exfoliate. Then gently rub it in a circular motion. When your done just rinse and dry off.Coffee is also a source of minerals. In fact, it contains the minerals magnesium and chromium that can help the body utilize insulin.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fight Fatigue

Now that the holidays have past and tax season is rolling around, along with other life stresses, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. You may even be feeling a little fatigued just trying to catch up with things. You can help combat fatigue by staying hydrated. Sometimes fatigue is the result of dehydration, so make sure your getting enough water. The body is made up of around 60% water. On average men should drink 13 cups of water daily and women 9 cups. Keep in mind that this may vary depending on your level of perspiration during activities. This is especially true during the Summer when your body perspires more. If water doesn’t seem to help your fatigue, try a high energy snack such as peanut butter on a stalk of celery or apple slice. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and high in monounsaturated fat. Not all peanut butter is the same, so be sure to read the labels and choose a peanut butter that list peanuts or peanuts and less than 1% salt as the ingredients. You can also boost your energy level by going for a short brisk walk. This may boost your energy level by as much as 20%. Lastly, 30 minutes of sunlight doth good to the body. 30 minutes of exposure to sunlight can help shift your bodies circadian rhythm resulting in an energy and mood boost.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Increasing Brain Power

I think we’ve all had days of brain fog some days more than other. You know those days where it seems like you can’t retain any more information, kinda like you’ve reached your brains maximum capacity? Those days are familiar to me. It can be a challenge trying to balance school, work and family. The most important way you can boost your brain power is by getting 7-8 hours of sleep on nightly bases. I confess that I'm guilty of not getting that much sleep on some nights and I seem to be ok, at first. But after a few days of sleep deprivation, my emotions are running high and my energy level is depleted. You can also boost brain power by reading or speaking out loud. This is very helpful when you’re trying to study for an exam or remember something. Just make sure you’ve narrowed it down to the most important information. Don’t try to remember every single little detail. Cinnamon can also be helpful. Cinnamon is said to help increase the rate at which your brain processes visual cues. You can easily add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your cereal or even chew cinnamon flavored gum. There has also be some studies on Ginkgo Biloba that shows it can increase blood flow to the brain. Some people have also reported an increase in libido. Not all Ginkgo is the same, it has to be a pure form with a high amount of the standardized extract and a good potency.