In honor of Mother's Day, I'm celebrating all the women in the world who may or may not be a mother. But women of character, beauty, strength, grace and heart. This blog titled,Characteristic Hearts of A Woman is dedicated to you.
Gods gift to the human race, woman who could never be replaced. A creature with a heart of many, only she can explain each intricate function. Inside and outside beauty beyond words captivating men by her outside allure. On the inside resides, life experience, knowledge, love, compassion, heartbreak and stories that could be told more than once and every time bringing new meaning. She may even be described as a rubiks cube of complexities. How would you define a woman? Some women define themselves by their family connections, the woman of the house, the glue that holds it all together, the shoulder to cry on, the friend that understands when all hands give way. Or she is she, uniquely her own and what makes her great is… her.
A mother can read her child’s tears, a gift that was given the day she gave birth. A life bringing new life with a different meaning. The sound of a baby’s cry is more than a noise it’s the sound that he or she needs to be held or loved. Maybe the cry of hunger echoes in its screams that only a mother can interpret. A mother who loves even when her child walks away with words of anger. She is willing to forgive but the pain may never be forgotten. She is willing to sacrifice her life for those who are close to her. Time will strengthen her heart and mind and the love she has will burn as an everlasting flame. When all else fails a mother’s love will never fade.
The virtues of a woman are a heart of many that only she can explain each intricate function. She’s a mediator in chaos or the level head in the midst of uncertainty. Men may think of a woman when emotions are at play or heartbreak takes place. Perhaps the one who loves when no one else loves or cares when others don’t? A woman is a creature of many hearts that receive and distributes the lifeblood to those who are near and far. She is more than a sight of femininity or sensuality. Although her beauty is beyond her skin its vision attracts the opposite sex as God meant it to be and under the right circumstance, the two can become whole. All this begins by the presence of a woman. A puzzle of many pieces beyond sex and lust, she contains an inner beauty whose attraction resonates from her existence and heart of hearts. Woman is life, character, beauty, heart, strength, wisdom, friendship and honor. Woman is indeed beyond a vision of elegance and pulchritude. She is a frailty not weak but genuine, a heart beyond gold, a life given to love. She's been through the fire and the outcome is refinement. Her identity maybe her family, friends, work or hobbies but never be mistaken she is her own depending on how she shapes it. Her gift is her life and what she has to give is beyond money or payment but of value immeasurable. Ask her how much she is willing to pay? I would give my life for my child, my heart to my loved ones, my time and shared pain, all for a friend in need. I am willing to relive my own atrocities as a sacrifice to bring you peace and comfort. And sometimes the tears that I shed equate to a vast amount of blood loss that no tourniquet can end. Only time and slow healing can stitch my internal wounds. But nonetheless, all this I would do as these are characteristics of the many hearts I have as a woman.
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