I think we’ve all had days of brain fog some days more than other. You know those days where it seems like you can’t retain any more information, kinda like you’ve reached your brains maximum capacity? Those days are familiar to me. It can be a challenge trying to balance school, work and family. The most important way you can boost your brain power is by getting 7-8 hours of sleep on nightly bases. I confess that I'm guilty of not getting that much sleep on some nights and I seem to be ok, at first. But after a few days of sleep deprivation, my emotions are running high and my energy level is depleted. You can also boost brain power by reading or speaking out loud. This is very helpful when you’re trying to study for an exam or remember something. Just make sure you’ve narrowed it down to the most important information. Don’t try to remember every single little detail. Cinnamon can also be helpful. Cinnamon is said to help increase the rate at which your brain processes visual cues. You can easily add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your cereal or even chew cinnamon flavored gum. There has also be some studies on Ginkgo Biloba that shows it can increase blood flow to the brain. Some people have also reported an increase in libido. Not all Ginkgo is the same, it has to be a pure form with a high amount of the standardized extract and a good potency.
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