Cellulite is a result of a breakdown of tissues supporting the fat. In other words, the skin becomes less elastic with age and begins to stiffen. As a result, fat starts to accumulate and pushes through the skin, resulting in cellulite. Unfortunately, some people can be more predisposed to cellulite due to genetics and hormones. Also being overweight can make the condition more seen.
Cellulite does not need to be targeted in a special way in order to get rid of it. If you’re overweight, you can reduce cellulite by loosing weight. This can be done by creating a negative energy balance. In other words, burn more calories than what you take in. Try reducing your caloric intake by 500 calories a day, while increasing your level of activity. By exercising 20-60 minutes a day, you can achieve good results. For instance, imagine a layer of muscle, then a layer of adipose (fat) above it, with your skin covering the whole thing up. And as you exercise on a regular bases (aerobic training and weight training), the layer of fat begins to shrink and the muscle becomes more evident, resulting in a more toned look. Keep in mind that spot reducing is ineffective and an overall exercise program is the key. However, including exercises that will help build more muscle in your legs such as; squats, leg curls & dead lifts can help tone your hamstrings (back of your legs) giving them a more fit appearance.
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