Here is my take on fadd diets; they are Foolish, And Down right Dumb, here’s why. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Fad diets are unrealistic and they never really teach you a lifestyle change, it’s always a quick fix. For example, popping a bunch of ACME nutrient rich, super colosso, magic pills that will give you all you need in just 1-10 capsules a day (no real food required). In addition, fad diets usually want you to restrict your calories to an unhealthy level. As a result, your body gets depleted of much needed nutrients that you normally would get from a balanced diet. And depending on the type of fad diet your following, it can lead to dehydration, deficiency in vitamins, minerals and can lead to other health problems. Fad diets can cause weight loss, however the weight that is lost is lean muscle tissue and water weight.
In the long run, a healthy lifestyle change is the best choice and will cost you the least. Eating right combined with exercise does require effort but I promise you in the end you will get realistic results and no injection or fancy pill required.
Imagine your body as this fragile system that needs the right amount of energy to maintain equilibrium. If you deviate too much from eating right and taking care of your body, eventually you will break the system. And that includes putting foreign matter into your body such as ACME diet pills or the Hollywood Eat Whatever You Want & Still Loose Weight Liquid that contains three ingredients (caffeine, sugar and more caffeine). So next time you’re confronted with the latest and greatest new fadd diet remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
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