Have you heard the saying, “we are our worse critic”? This is true, especially us women seem to have a difficult time accepting a compliment without adding a “but” to it. I have to confess that I am my worse critique and nothing I do is quite good enough. You may have even thought to yourself, I wish I could run a little faster, look a little better, a few inches taller, weighted a little less, more attractive, I wished my family didn’t complain so much (including me:D), I wish more people liked me and why can’t I be a little more like… you feel in the blank. Instead say, I run at a good pace, my height is fine, I look great because I’m God’s creation. My weight is fine for my size and I’m grateful for my family because they are there for me through thick and thin. And if someone doesn’t like you for who you are, then they shouldn’t be a part of your life.
Accepting a compliment doesn’t mean your conceited, snobby, to good for your own good, better than everyone, high and mighty nor will it go to your head. Accepting a compliment from yourself or anyone for that matter is a good thing! We are all beautiful and God made us all unique. We represent a rainbow of beauty and our individuality compliments us. Because of this we are all gloriously different and beautiful. So, next time someone says, “you look great,” say, “thank you” and say to yourself, “I do look great.” Saying that will build your self-esteem, give you confidence, make you feel good, and make your whole day feel a little more worthwhile. And the most important part is, you are beautiful because you are you. So take care of yourself
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