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Monday, December 28, 2009

What are you really eating for?

What is your mindset when you eat? What are you really eating for? Here are some other questions you might want to ask yourself before you take part in over or under eating. How will you feel 10, 20 60, minutes after? What will you look like in the next few weeks, if this continues? Will you have health problems as a result (years down the road)? Do you think of food as impacting the rest of your life? Most of us don’t think about these questions however, when you have an eating disorder that can range from over to under eating, these questions can really hit home. Eating can be enjoyable and does not mean you should deprive yourself but you should be aware of eating problems and understand what eating should involve and not involve. Allowing family and friends to dine with you verses eating solo can help you take part in healthier eating habits resulting in better health.

Eating does involve making good nutritious food choices and satisfying your hunger. However, eating can be more than that. Over the years I’ve worked with a variety of people that have had various eating challenges that range from emotional eaters, over eaters, boredom eaters, control eaters and people who have been brought up to use food as a coping mechanism. This list goes on. I want to take a few minutes to shed some light on the different types of eaters and hopefully help you understand your eating habits and recognize negative eating patterns.

Emotional eaters are those who find comfort in eating during bad times, and good times. This can depend on the individual. In this situation a question to ask yourself is why are you eating? If your eating because you’ve had a bad day, a better choice would be to fill that time doing something that will benefit you such as exercise or even calling a friend or relative to vent. Understanding your emotional food trigger and having a plan in place can help you change this type of behavior.

Over eaters are individuals who eat past satiety and in some cases never really feel full. This could be due to a medical condition and may need medical attention. On the other hand, it may be a matter of just slowing down to allow yourself time to get full. I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “you should wait 20 minutes before you decide to eat more,” this is true. This allows hormones to kick in and do there job. Meals should be enjoyed with family and friends. During mealtime you should use this time to enjoy one anothers company and socialize rather than eating solo in front on the television where you’re liable to overeat.

Boredom eaters are eaters who eat regular meals but also eat recreationally and have a tendency to snack excessively. This can be avoided by filling in that time gardening, going for a walk or doing some house chores.

Control eaters are individuals who may have suffered from a loss or abuse in one form or another and use food to cope or have control. Control eaters are sometimes people who resort to anorexia, bulimia or orthorexia (overly healthy eating).What’s important in such a case is to recognize that you have a problem and get help. This in not something that can be changed by oneself. People who suffer from bulimia or anorexia have a distorted view of themselves and perceive their mirrored reflection as not thin enough or fat. These types of eating disorders can entail binging and purging or excessive exercise without replenishing energy stores. People who suffer from orthorexia don’t necessarily want to be thin but want to be chemically free or healthy and pure and they obtain this by not eating foods that contain preservatives, animal products or fats, they might even eat only raw foods. The problem with this eating habit is the lack of nutrients in the long run that can lead to health problems or even death.

Food is nourishment for the body and way back when, was food to the soul. Mealtime was a time when family and friends gathered to share foods and enjoy one anothers company. It was also a time when each individual would reflect on their day and impart the goods and bads. As a result, our ancestors suffered less from obesity, metabolic diseases and stress. If you feel you suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, overeating or orthorexia, I encourage you to get some support by visiting the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders at

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