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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Lack of Sleep Could be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Has the lack of sleep been sabotaging your weight loss lately? Do feel more hungry, tired or both? Each one of us has hormones that our bodies produce called Ghrelin and Leptin. People who are thinner produce a greater amount of Ghrelin during sleeping hours and people who are overweight produce less. Part of the reason for the difficulty sleeping is due to the extra weight. As a result, overweight people have an overproduction of Ghrelin and that can increase the urge to eat. Too many sleepless nights can inhibit the production of Leptin (acts as an appetite suppressant) and can contribute to hunger. Ghrelin and Leptin work together by controlling sleeping and eating patterns (to some degree). Both hormones are sensitive to eating and sleeping conditions. For example, not eating a sufficient amount of calories (based on a healthy weight) can decrease Leptin and lower your energy level. Leptin is an adipose hormone that is felt by most people after finishing a meal produce a feeling of being full. I believe that people who eat at a fast rate are less likely to feel satisfied and as a result they continue eating past satiety, thus gain weight.

Your body is not just a machine that you put a coin in and get it to work. It’s more like: eat right, exercise, SLEEP and be good to yourself. In return, you will reap a longer, happier and healthier life.


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