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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ways to Better Handle Stress

What do you do when you’re in a stressful situation? What is your reaction to the stressor? Some people resort to eating, others may suffer from mood swings or even negative behaviors. Stress is one of those things that cannot be totally eliminated. In fact, there are good stressors such as the anticipation of something exciting happening that your looking forward to. And then there is the stress that we all know too well and that’s the one that can affect our well-being in a negative way such as chronic stress. There are several forms of chronic stressors for instance, life difficulties, role strains, chronic strains, community-wide strains and daily hassles (Romas, Sharma 2010). Chronic stress can affect hormones, which in turn can affect weight loss, eating, sleeping patterns and in the long run can shorten your lifespan. How can you better cope with stress? Here are something’s to consider. If the stressor is something you can change such as a job, it may be a good idea to consider changing jobs. In such case you have to ask yourself, "Do I want to live a happy healthy life or continue watching my health diminish?" If what your doing is not making you happy then consider making a change for the better. Are there people in your life who are affecting you in a negative way? Maybe it’s time that you let those people go. No matter how hard you may hold on or try to change that person or individuals, realize that some people may never change and if they want to change they are capable of doing it on their own. Especially if you’ve given them guidance and have always been there for them but yet they never truly change. This is hard for people who are givers but understand your actions have planted plenty of good seeds and now it’s up to the individuals to make the change.

Most stress can be reduced or eliminated based on our actions. This can be hard at times when an issue is overwhelming. The best starting place is with you. When you’re focused, at peace with yourself, in a healthier state and spiritually whole, you can make better judgment. Ultimately having an end goal is very helpful. Making small healthy changes in your diet can help your body better cope with stress. Exercise is always helpful because it helps to increase endorphins which help with mood. Also weight loss  to help reduce health problems. Making sure your getting adequate rest will help with performance. Being in a spiritual state that allows you to be at peace with yourself is vital. Being in a peaceful spiritual state will teach you that you can only control so much in this life and the rest is given to God. Being at peace with yourself can be achieved through meditation. A simple form of meditation to start with and can be done anywhere is  called “loving kindness meditation.” This can be performed anywhere and it starts by thinking about someone who is close to you and sending them a mental blessing or thinking of them in a positive way.  For example, "I wish you wellness, happiness and peace.” And then wish the same things back to yourself. When you think on these things, it will bring you tranquilly and solace which in turn will help release any stress and tension.

One of my favorite ways to reduce stress besides exercise and martial arts is laughter. I maybe somewhat from the "land and of the easily amused" but one things for sure, my days are better when I've spent a good portion of it laughing. Sometimes by best friend from high school will send me a humorous text that will send me into an hysterical laugh and I will send one back and that really sets my day off to a good start.

Works Cited:
Romas John A, Sharma Manjo. Practical Stress Managment. San Fransico: Benjamin Cummings. 2010. Print

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rewriting Your Priority List

This weeks blog is about reflecting back on yourself and where you are on your priority list. Too many times life's complexities, commitments, stresses and other issues get in the way of putting ourselves first. Some how we think neglecting ourselves and doing everything else is more important. "Putting the additional hours in at work will allow me to get further ahead." Or "I’ll exercise later once I finish...(you fill in the blank)." Or perhaps the weekend comes and there are too many things going on and it makes it difficult for you to keep up your workout routine. Or your thoughts maybe, "I’m under a lot of stress right now and as soon as things get better then I’ll start eating healthier and exercising." But the reality is things never really get perfectly better. We all know the excuses and have been there at one point or another. But I want you to take the time and reflect back on your reason or reasons why you don't put yourself at the top of your priority list? What are the pro’s and cons of putting you first and then considering what should be next on the list. From my own experience putting myself first always out weighted the cons. And from my personal history I am a workaholic by nature and some how I manage to find completeness in my busyness. However, if it were not for me getting up early every morning to have my time to exercise and eating healthy, I don’t think I would be able to juggle being a career woman a mother and have a complete family life that includes friends. Sometimes it seems as if my priority list continues to grow. But one things for sure and that is I will always be at the top of that list and everything else will follow. Because the reality is when our time is up here on earth those priorities that you put before you will still remain and the things that should have been at the top of your list will suffer the most. So in my opinion, you should be first on your priority list and then family, friends etc… Also keep in mind that spirituality is a part of you and should be at the top of your list as well. Because the two are one and that's what will make you whole. Some of the most amazing people who are a part of my life have taught me this from their own experiences and I've learned this on my own. So this coming week, rewrite your priority list making you number one;-).