What does it mean for you to face your fears? Simply avoid them, walk away or confront them? Every year my family and I spend a week in the Sierra’s and this year we did not have plans in place as to what sites we would see. But we planned based on how we felt, once we got there. For me personally, I used that time to face some personal fears and struggles. My goal was when the trip was over; I would a better person based on the standards I set for myself. I knew that I wanted to do away with some negative things in my life, so I personally spent a lot of time meditating in the forest, doing solo hikes and early morning runs through the forest. It's during this time, that I gain a sense of freedom and infuse myself with nature and God. Last year I took the liberty of facing my fear of heights by doing things that pushed my limits. And this year was the same perhaps a little more daring. So I decided to sit on a cliff that was about 1500 ft. This was hard because I felt panic set in but after a while I told myself I have nothing to fear except my thoughts of fear that I create. My point is, I gave myself the power over the situation and not the situation, power over me. The results were a great release. I continued to face my fears by standing not too close to the edge of a cliff but close enough where I felt uncomfortable. But once again I told myself that I have control over the situation and it’s ok. Once I felt comfortable, I was then able to close my eyes. But to be honest, fear started to creep in and once the wind began to pick up, I opened my eyes because I felt panicky. It was at that point that I knew I had control over the situation and what I don’t have control over, God does, so I let go of my fear. This time when the wind picked back up, I closed my eyes again and I imagined all my doubts and fears being blown away with the wind. It was at that point the wind brought me a calm and panic did not exist.
I could go on about how I faced my fears but I won’t, however I will share one more story during my trip. One morning I decided to do my am kayaking across the lake while it was still early. I consider this a special time for me so I want to take advantage of it before everyone else is up. On my way to the lake, ironically I encountered a bear, which is one of my fears. Once the bear got a glimpse of me and I of it, we both darted in opposite directions. This is not what you should do if you encounter a bear. In fact you should make noise if you’re planning on hiking or doing any outdoors activities where you may encounter a bear. This allows them time to get away from you. The reality is, they want nothing to do with people. Long story short, I was startled and I said to myself do I really want to do any activities alone? I did anyways and strangely I faced a big fear by doing solo hikes, runs and other activities. But I also was smart and took some precautions in case I encountered Yogi again. I never did and I walked away from my vacation feeling a sense of renewal and what should take priority in my life. I don’t recommend doing what I did but it was something that I had to do for myself. But what I do recommend is that you face your own fears.