Aging gracefully, is something we would all like to do. In fact, how does fifty and fabulous sound or sixty and sensational or 70 and simply stunning! Is it really possible to tap into a fountain of youth that can help you age gracefully and improve your quality of life? As a personal trainer who has worked in the industry for many years, I’ve worked with people from the ages of 14 to 75, all of who have struggled with some personal obstacle ranging from poor health, wanting to improve body image or just in need of nutritional guidance. These are all issues that all of us may have faced or thought about at one point or another. The good news is… it’s possible to be healthier, look better and have a better quality of life (at any age). These are all the characteristics of aging gracefully but the bad news is, it will take work and commitment on your part. As you know, nothing in life is free but good things come to those who are dedicated, disciplined and determined. In fact, that is my philosophy when it comes to running my business and training my clients.
In order for my business to be successful, it’s important for me to lead by setting an example. So when clients ask me, “how do you have the time to exercise and eat right?” I simply say, “My health is my priority and a commitment to myself.”We all have commitments and obligations so why not make your health a priority on your list. Most people are running around doing everything on their “to do list,” but they are missing their most important obligation…themselves. You may be thinking that your doing ok because your getting things done and you feel fine for the time being but ultimately your health will pay the price at some point. And that 9-5 job that you were committed to, will simply go to the next “Joe Smith,” while your left struggling with your poor health. When you make your health a priority, not only do you reap the obvious benefits of an improved physical appearance and good health but you will also be able to perform at your best. One of the most important aspects of getting your health on track is that you will have added good healthy years to your life. Now your probably wondering where to begin? Here are just a few simple things you can do to tap into your fountain of youth and age gracefully.
·Start by getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. This will play a major role in your energy level, mood and eating habits. When your not well rested your energy level is wasted and your eating habits are more likely to gravitate towards poor carbohydrate sources to compensate for energy loss, such as pastries, energy drinks etc…That might provide a quick fix but it’s short lived and will create unstable blood sugar levels, resulting in mood swings.
·If your skipping breakfast or making poor eating choices, your setting yourself up for disaster and a Monster drink is not going to help you when you’re the Monster! A simple guideline to follow when planing meals is, 15-20% protein (lean), 55-60% carbohydrates, 20-30% of fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated) and your diet should be high in fiber (20-30 grams a day). Stick to food sources made by God through nature. The more natural and less processed, the better.
·Five plus servings a day of fruits and veggies will keep your machine running in top shape and strengthen your immune system. Cruciferous vegetables (brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, broccoli, turnips) are one of my favorites. In fact, they have a high amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help to fight against cancer and toxins. An added benefit to eating several servings of fruits and veggies is you may not need to take a multivitamin because you’ll be supplying your body with all the necessary nutrients from natural sources that your body recognizes.
·Use it now or loose it later! In other words, start exercising. This can be done in as little as 20 minutes or more a day. Start out with a brisk walk and work your way up to a jog or run. Also add strength training to your exercise repertoire at least 2 days a week.