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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Genetically Modified Foods, High Fructose Corn Syrup & Your Health

There has been plenty of controversy around genetically modified organisms and high fructose corn syrups affects on humans. One can’t help but to wonder why is there such a high rate of health problems amongst adults and children. I often think why is the statistics on autism in children 1 in 165 and could that be linked to the foods we consume. This blog isn’t about autism, however the latest research says there is a strong genetic and possible environmental link to the disorder. Perhaps the food that we consume could be a trigger to cause damage to DNA resulting in such disorders and health abnormalities, food for thought.

One of the things that researchers do know about HFCS is that it contributes to obesity, which is linked to heart disease and metabolic disorders. HFCS is found in many products in the grocery store as well as fast foods and in order to identify it, you almost have to be a detective. Keep in mind that HFCS is not just a sweetener but it’s also used as a preservative such as xanthan gum in many processed foods. The scary part is we live in a country that allows freedom of speech and the right to choose; unfortunately this is not always the case. I’m a big food label reader and try to cover my grounds for the most part however, not everything is printed on labels such as GMO. In addition, we are in the dark about what happens to foods before they hit the market. For instance, were you aware that a large percentage of seeds that are used to plant are genetically modified, so they can resist pesticides that are used to kill weeds? You might think, so? The problem is that crops that aren’t certified organic are sprayed with pesticides. These pesticides are produced by the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate (Round Up). When these crops are treated, the weeds die but the crop keeps growing regardless. In other words, your consuming vegetables such as corn and soybeans that have been treated by insecticides by the names of: Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603. The “food safety authorities” have allowed Europe and the U.S to use these pesticides making them ok for human consumption. A recent study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences has concluded that Monsanto (producer of Round Up) GMO corn has a strong link to organ damage in rats. IJBS also said that, the organs that were affected the most were the liver and kidneys (detoxifying organs). In addition the heart, adrenals, spleen and blood cells had abnormalities. IJBS concluded that GM corn is a contributor to kidney and liver dysfunction. They also added that, “These substances have never before been an integral part of the human or animal diet and therefore their health consequences for those who consume them, especially over long time periods are currently unknown."

In closing, I can’t say how important it is to read labels, support your local farmers and buy certified organic and if your local store doesn’t have it, request it. Love your temple and treat it right by eating good things. Also, our children rely on us to make the right choices for them as well and even though we can’t guarantee perfect health for them or us, we can set the stage to have a good shot at it.

If you live near by visit Three Sisters Farm in Redlands CA

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