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Monday, September 21, 2009

Cancer Awareness

Cancer remains the number two killer in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, there are various types of cancers that share the same characteristics of, uncontrolled spread and growth of cells that are abnormal. As these abnormal cells grow and spread, they will divert the body’s nutrient rich blood and oxygen supply thus restricting and cutting off blood flow to other vital organs resulting in death if not treated. Cancer is a ruthless disease that should raise concern with every person in the world whether you have, don’t have, know or don’t know someone who is affected by this disease. There are things you can do to reduce your risk and bring awareness.

To help decrease your risk of Cancer and other ailments, you can start by maintaining a normal weight for your height and body frame. Exercising on a regular bases is detrimental. As little as 20-30 minutes a day can make a world of difference. Life’s daily task makes this difficult for some, which is why this can be broken into smaller exercise sessions. Life is more valuable than anything that fills your schedule, which is why this needs to be a priority. Eating a balanced diet is vital to reduce your risk of cancer.This should include whole grains as well as fruits, veggies and protein. Eating five or more servings a day of fruits and veggies is a must if you don’t have any medical condition that requires restrictions. Fat should be a part of your diet as well. Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fats are heart healthy fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds, fish and oils. Essential fatty acids help to create and repair cells, they also help with hormone function, regulating the immune system, vital organ function and more. Protein is important in order for the body to function at it’s best. Your diet should include lean sources of protein to reduce health risk. These sources include, fish, poultry, beans, tofu, soy and lean red meats in moderation. There are also benefits to drinking green tea when it comes to cancer. Research has shown that there is an antioxidant in green tea called catechins that helps to reduce free radical damage in cells that can contribute to cancer. In order to reap the benefits one must drink two or more cups a day. In addition, knowing your family history is a must when it comes to prevention. Research has shown a genetic link to cancer. In other words, you might be at greater risk if your parents, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle or grandparents have had or currently have cancer. Make this known to your physician so he or she can determine early screening. Your lifestyle can put you at a greater risk of cancer as well. If you’re a smoker, make the choice to quit. If you regularly tan, stop. If your exposed to second hand smoke or work in an environment that has chemical substance that are known to put you at risk of cancer, change careers or move to another position that’s less of a risk. If you have multiple sex partners your at a greater risk to develop some types of cancer.

In closing, I have friends, family and neighbors who have battled cancer and in some cases loss the fight. By posting this blog I hope to raise awareness and help win this battle against a disease that still has many unanswered questions. If everyone gets involved whether it’s donating time, money or becoming an advocate we can all help potentially win a war that’s worth fighting for. You can visit to find out more about how you can get involved.

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