First we have to find balance. Balance in physical and
mental well-being. Setting aside time to exercise can be very helpful. That in
itself can benefit you in many ways. In fact, the pros always out weight the
cons and yet it’s the first thing people neglect for reasons that don’t truly
warrant not exercising. Focusing on mental health is very important as well. This
time can be spent meditating, praying for strength, guidance or not
thinking about anything at all and just allowing your mind to be at rest.
Don’t set your expectations too high. Make a priority list
and plug away at the things that are most important. I always tell people to
make health first on their priority list. A healthy body means you can accomplish
more and save on health insurance because your less likely to be under the
doctors care due to an illness.
Peace and happiness belong at the top of your priority list
as well. Having time to yourself and living in the present moment can help
move you towards a stress free life.
Lastly, a budget is very important. That seems so foreign
these days because people are living off credit cards and not within their
means. Eating out too frequently can contribute to debt. Try cooking enough
food over the weekend that can supply a few meals throughout the week. Also try reconfiguring your cell phone plan. I personally saved an extra $20 a month by doing this. Try reducing unnecessary car trips to the
store or running errands. Do as much as you can online. The internet makes things easy, it allows you to do banking, paying bills, shopping and more all in the convenience of your home.