A friend of mine posted the other on her Facebook that she felt defeated and my response was, “we must have had the same day.” I would be lying to say every day was a good day and I have no idea what defeat is. But the reality is, we all feel defeated at times. For me it’s a pride thing and to admit I have been defeated is like agreeing to lying on a bed of nails. But sometimes, I walk away stronger or I learn a lesson. And other times I don’t know what to make of the situation that trying me. But on occasion relief can come from someone you may or may not know. My day of feeling defeated was Friday last week, when just about everything started to go wrong and there was no “easy or pass” button to push, so the only choice was to deal with it or walk away. But a few things happened that reminded me that I was not completely defeated maybe just being tried? My relief came the day before Friday when I took a Yoga class that was taught by a very talented friend and colleague by the name of Claudia Sanchez who teaches a Functional Yoga class at Fitness 19 in Yucaipa. Besides gaining relaxation and stretching my body past its limits, she also took the class through a visual therapy session. During this time she told us to picture a positive word and believe it in your heart and mind that it applies to you. By the end of the class I had a better sense of control in my life but who would of known I would have needed that the most the next day. I consider Claudia a God sent and a genuine person who cares for others well-being. Most Yoga classes last about an hour long but her class is an hour and 30 minutes that is well spent stretching your body and taking your mind on a visual journey that will help you to tap into your spiritual welling being. God uses people in many ways and he certainly used Claudia that day to prepare me for Friday. When Friday arrived, the day gradually drained me but by the end of the day, my son brought a big smile to my face. He was just as excited, as I was to use my new rowing machine that came via Fedex. In my house getting a new piece of exercise equipment is about as exciting as Christmas is for a kid. I consider exercise my sacred time not only to strengthen by body but a time to myself where I can gain greater strength on the inside.