As you know, this time of year can be stressing and I personally have had an extra stress load this year. Not to mention my sources of stress are drawn from several areas. Either way, I mange with prayer, a healthy diet, exercise, a supporting circle of friends, family and… my Bach Rescue Remedy. Bach Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic supplement that I have used on occasion for years. It’s a natural stress relief that works almost instantly. You can buy it in spray form or tincture. I prefer spray because I can carry it in my purse and use it when I need it. Bach Rescue Remedy consist of the Bach Flower Essences; Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. Each flower has its own function. For instance, the Rock Rose brings courage in times when one is faced with fear or terror. This is common around the time of family reunions or family get togethers lol;-). Clematis, works by allowing you to focus more on the present rather than the future, which is uncertain. Cherry Blossom brings clarity and rationalization to your thinking. It also brings a sense of calm and balance when you feel that your loosing control. Lastly, Star of Bethlehem encourages a calm and lessens the impact of grief, fright or shock. Bach Rescue Remedy can be purchased at Clark's Nutritional Centers (www.clarksnutrition.com) or your local health food store
No one supplement can solve a problem but for some people it may help. Eating a balanced diet along with exercise and some quiet time can provide the essentials to maintain better health. We also have to keep in mind that we can’t change everything and taking on additional stress will do more harm than good. So my thoughts to you are to focus on the things you can change and let the rest go. Have a very Merry Christmas and be good to your body and it will be good to you.