Cellulite, the pain in the butt or should I say on the butt. There are a few factors that may contribute to cellulite such as genetics, poor circulation, lack of exercise, hormones and smoking. Unfortunately this is not a big concern for men as it is for women because women have more factors that make them susceptible to cellulite. For example, cellulite begins to raise its cottage cheese head around puberty years or menopause when the hormones begin to change. Estrogen can contribute to weakening collagen in that area resulting in cellulite. Cellulite is also known to be in various grades meaning 1-3. Grade 1 having less signs and symptoms. Grade 2 has less elasticity in the surrounding tissue and changes are noted. Grade 3 is the worse and is more visible.
Here are somethings you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Start by building up more muscle. If your cellulite problem is on your legs, you should exercise your legs by doing, squats, deadlifts (strengthen hamstring muscles or back of the leg) and lunges which strengthen both the front and back of legs. Also consider loosing weight. Having excessive weight can contribute to cellulite. A routine that consist of cardiovascular activity as well as weight training can help reduce weight and strengthen muscles. If you have poor circulation, consider massage. People who stand or sit long periods of time are susceptible to poor circulation, thus increasing the likelihood of cellulite.
If your wondering rather or not cellulite creams work, they may or may not, here's why. For women who apply creams, they may notice a difference because of the massaging action on the thighs (not the cream). The massage will help increase circulation thus reducing some of the appearance of cellulite. If your wanting to give the "cellulite reduction creams" a try, your better off saving your money and eating a balanced diet along with exercise and a massage;).