When faced with weight loss issues, most people are concerned about how much fat they can loose in the shortest amount of time. And what activity is the most effective in ridding the body of this unwanted guest. Remember it took you sometime to put on the weight so it will take sometime to loose it, with that in mind, patience is the key and a positive attitude will help you unlock that door;).
Here are a few things to keep in mind when loosing weight. Fat loss is the goal and not water weight or lean muscle loss. Most people who go on crash diets loose water and muscle mass but very little fat. The bodies’ choice reserves are fat, with that in mind, your body reverts to survival mode by utilizing muscle for energy (catabolism).In addition, you deplete your bodies’ water reserves. Your goal is to train your body to burn fat and maintain lean muscle and stay hydrated. To do this you need to follow a balanced diet that consists of protein to help build lean muscle. You also need complex carbohydrates for energy and cellular function. So restricting carbs is not the best idea however, you should pick your carbs wisely. In other words, decide on eating complex carbs such as fruits, veggies and wholegrains. Reduce the amount of simple carbs such as candy, cookies and unhealthy baked goods etc.... Also be sure good fats are a part of your diet such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Also avoid restricting your fluid intake. Your body is around 60% water and your brain consists of roughly 70% water. Your body needs water to carry out cellular activity.
As far as loosing fat, with the proper diet and activity you will loose fat weight, whether it’s around your waist, legs, hips etc… Aim to be active most days of the week and staying within your target heart zone for 30-60 minutes. That zone can vary depending on the individual and their health condition. For most people that range is 70-90% (considering you don’t have any underline medical condition). As you become more conditioned, you will need to push yourself in order to burn more calories. For example, 30 minutes of walking may have put you in your target heart rate zone before but now you need to take it to another level. You can do this by jogging or running for 30 minutes instead. This will allow you to get your heart back in the target zone.
Challenge yourself often and try new things in your workouts. This will get you the most results and you will be a happier and fitter you;)